
I've seen people pretend they were Superman, but this is the first time I've seen someone pretend to be Christopher Reeve.

Maybe, but when you mix it with the chemicals in their chem-trail containers. Who knows whats in those things.

Decker, Harvin and now Marshall. The Jets haven't had that many mouths to feed since Antonio Cromartie was on the team.

She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.

I like plain cheese because 2 slices and a drink is only $2.75. If his concert tickets were that cheap (and they came with pizza and a drink) I might like those too.

The warrant describes him as a flight risk.

ESPN wisely didn't tell him to "hit the showers" for a week.

Keith got all self-righteous and overreacted to something? NO WAY!

Is that a No More Wife Beater?

The problem was, nobody knew jack shit about Motekiai Langi. No grainy highlight reel, no photos of him in a football uniform, no profile on a recruiting website. Nothing.

That's so sweet

You're thinking of Applebee's.

Pretty inauspicious start to the "NFL Play 0.60" campaign.

Force the Pats to be on Hard Knocks for the next two seasons. Belichick would lose his fucking mind.

Why does the robot have legs? I assume it doesn't get off the RV and walk around... Actually, it doesn't need arms either... And they really could have built it without the torso or the head.

This isn't anything new. After Super Bowl XXV, Scott Norwood kept shaking his head and muttering "God hates FGs".

The Immaculate Interceptions

Allenby is a world-class golfer. He should be able to get out of a tough lie.

It's a good thing Konrad had been a Dolphin. If he had been a Jet, they'd probably still be looking for him.

I talked to some Broncos players who said Manning was throwing more picks in practice in the past six weeks than at any other time.