
Visually and game play wise there are a lot of better games than Beyond the Beyond, but man did I play the crap out of that game back in the day. I also have to give a shout out to the whole Tales line of games.

I keep telling Gawker to do it, but they have yet to listen. Maybe I should Tweet Ray's Mom and have her get involved.

Has Gawker not set kinja to auto post this gift when Florida is a story tag? Same of them.

I have the Biohazard Samurai Edge Beretta M9, awesome gun, fires great. Wish I could get my hands on this one.

This is awesome, I love watching World Challenge and a new top tier class is going to make it great.

Drop it in a Ford Festiva and blow the doors off Geo Metro's. Or drop it in an 80's Fox Body and call it the SVFU!

Steel Falcon has been under construction since 1996, last update in 1998. I would love to take it over and update it, but I think the original owner would not let me have the content.

Iran tried and failed twice to shoot down a US drone with guns. They are mostly used to take out fighters moving at the same pace directly in front of you.

I want that shirt, I also want to see Kimi win in Austin next weekend.

Trying to beat the Swiss Re Building in London I suppose.

Needs to be a canon!

If they make it a canon then I am moving there.

If you reach the shaft you have gone too far, you can't miss the big neon Durex sign.

Am I the only one that see's a giant phallic object in the last picture?

Way to kick them while their down....oh wait the Aerio, I'll give you that.

Living in the Tokyo area for 3 years I rode a lot of trains and subways. Very few lines I did not ride, and some I rode extra while drunk. Hands down the best system out there, even my wife figured it out, that is saying something as she needs her navigation to get to the corner store.

That is fucked up Jason, you know bitching about it in Kinja will just mean only a small percentage of the complaints will be heard or matter, sort of like our votes.

It was a moment of "Was it that bad...let me try again..." To note - Yes it was that bad.

I owned 2 different Suzukis, the AeriosSX and the SX4. The SX4 has to be the best compact on the road today. It is a great handling car, it has decent power, and you can get an AWD hatch that makes the whole package better. I loved owning that car and when the battery decided to rebel and take the car in a burning

I am super bummed, I owned 2 Suzuki's and I always wanted a Kizashi but never had the need for a midsize sedan. There needs to be a Suzuki Question of the Day tomorrow in honor of the dead brand. Also can we get a cool death post about the little brand that did for a while.