
I have seen better acting in porn.

I would even say they have a better cohesive universe than you get with Marvel “TV” shows. I love me some Supergirl and Flash and the tie ins are fantastic. Meanwhile Marvel is creating a “joint universe” disjointed mess.

Smarter way to do it, puts a barrier between you and anyone crazy enough to start trouble. Many times it is enough to not provoke people as the don’t feel as though you are encroaching on their space and threatening them.

My friend did that once, he took 3 to the chest from an off duty sheriff who did not like the way my friend approached him. It all happened in front of his wife and 3 year old daughter. One day it may be you. How about you just let it go, other people suck, just let them suck at life, one day the universe will catch

If Rubio came out swinging like this from day one he would have won not just Florida but also my heart. This dude had THE best Drumpf trash talk. I want him to keep on the rounds so I get to keep hearing it.

I think that FCA should be looking to a smaller Japanese manufacturer like they did in the 80's. Call up Mitsubishi or Suzuki and have them build the next 200 and Dart. I would give Suzuki a shot, have then build the next gen Kizashi and rebadge it for the US because we know the car will not have to compete against

And a great decision you made, I had the old 4 speed auto SX4 and it was miles better than the CVT that Suzuki stuck in the 2010+ models.

20 people is about the limit of any CS map. I played 25 v 25 and so many of the matches either hit time or one side just runs over the other. Its fun for Deathmatch but not anything else.

If a nuke was used on South Korea then there would not be a response in kind. There would be a display of power that would put Shock and Awe to shame as all of our regional forces quickly converge and start a bombing campaign. China would get in the action so they are not next and that would be the majority of the

Does Periscope count for public pumpkin fucking? Because if it does then I am about to win me Le Mans, LeMons, IMSA, and World Challenge in 2017. Right after I prove what a god I am on the track post pumpkin fucking. Although I am sure I could sell this pumpkin for a cool $200 million to Ferrari. I just feel so bad

I played a shit ton of World Court Tennis, Galaga 90, Bonks Adventure, and Raiden back in the day. Loved the Turbografx 16.

Hey they are going to debut a hot new car in 2016 at the Detroit International Auto.....oh yeah.....well....

These are Massholes, they deserve their punishment for this treatment, robots have feelings too.

Already building the script for it....my job will forever know my name if they give me notice during the next round of lay offs.

This era of film making will go down as the “Grim Reboot” period. The next thing you will see is Mary Poppins as a period drama about labor abuse in pre WWI London.

I was hoping that Haas would incorporate a bear somewhere to show his roots. Its all good though, I will still root for the local team.

Fire started at the battery, right over the battery was the power steering and brake fluid reservoirs. They melted and spread the fire quickly.

Watching this fight it look like DADA took a fall. That or he had a mild stroke before the match and was totally out of it.

I would ask for a new lease car every year for the next 15 years, 1000 shares in Tesla, and dinner with Elon on the factory floor (candles optional). Make it some outrageous shit so they either are willing to cut me a huge check with 7 figures before the period or they call my bluff and I get a new car for a year for