
“you know, when they’re not insulting you"

Lush grass on the tootsies is pretty nice.

Neutral: Define new... I bought a 96 Z3. Does that count? It didn't do anything for BMWs sales, but it was a HUGE sales increase for some guy named Jared.

Meanwhile, Warner Bros. tries to get the DC Cinematic Universe off the ground...

STARSHIP TROOPERS, for all its quirks and flaws, is one of my favorite novels. I’d love to see it played straight, as it deals with some fascinating questions about citizenship, fascism, warfare, and society. Let the viewer question its messages rather than overtly making it ironic. I imagine something like a sci-fi

Yeah, doing what OP says he does sounds like a great way to get clapped up. People are dumb on the roads, but I guarantee he’s done dumb shit too, because EVERYONE DOES from time to time. Yell, scream, make faces, whatever, but don’t fucking follow people, don’t get the fuck out of your car, just get the fuck over it

Sorry about your friend. I don’t “approach” anyone. I stay in my vehicle, pull up get their attention and then proceed to inform them of they just did and how it could have been avoided. Most people say sorry and move on. Others want to turn into a raging lunatic and verbally/physically try to assault me. I drive on

You, sir, are a butthead.

Sucking a drone into your engine may not result in injury, but it does cause a lot of rather expensive repairs to the turbine blades. If it passes out through the bypass section your looking at replacing several blades and possibly some stator sections. Normally you replace the damaged blade and the one on the disk

The sport of bicycling needs to be reset back to 19th century style.

This will not end well.

STONE COLD RETURNS! The day I have been waiting for!

I wonder if she went up, left, down, right, up, left, down, right R1, R1, and got her grenade launcher back.

Burying the lede: Tom Green still has two hundred bucks!

Crashes like this remind me of the people who complain that racing is too safe and toss the word ‘nanny’ around loosely. This would have been a deadly crash 25 years ago

Not Doug DeMurano?