
I keep suggesting it to Gawker overlords when they ask what should be in the next commenting system.

Thank you for keep up the cause!

Fishhook? Is that like when...well I'll just watch....HOLY SHIT! Wow that was not only horrifying, but hilarious once I saw that everyone was okay. Now were do I got to race a track like that with a 125cc bike?

Black cats are the hardest for Shelters to adopt out, I have one that is friendly, playful, and full of personality. I would not trade him for anything and I am thankful that he pawed at me from his cage so I would stop and see him.

When they replace Kinja they should have the new system look at the story tags and add the most common comments right off the bat. Every Florida story gets the Bugs GIF.

No you are not, Macross Plus still stands as the best out there. I would love to have this on Blu Ray.

Actually your job has to pay you based on the employment contract you signed with them. It is illegal in every state to not pay workers, and most employees at video game companies are "Exempt" workers that do not get over time. Companies still have to regularly pay the base salary based on the initial employment

I had a paycheck arrive 3 days late and short $52 dollars, when I asked about the rest of my check I was told they would see about making it up. The next day I was on the phone with the labor board, I got my $52 a week later, and a new job. No way I would ever tolerate not getting a pay check. I had an owner of a

I think this announcement was done by a corporate reporter or the PR team and that they have little idea who is who in F1. They could have a great team that is well versed in F1 by the time they start though, I give it up to the fact it was not a sports reporter writing the story or that the editor doing the

They would not even have to shut traffic down, there are almost no cars on the road to get in the way.

I have to agree with you there, the G load of the shoot catching you will send you into High Alto range for a while after. Nut shock as it is refereed to in the Military is never any fun. I had to experience it when I slipped off a training rig teaching me to climb shipping containers, no fun.

I would have most likely returned it without looking in the bag, so I would have had no idea there was just a huge chunk of cash in it.

When I have enough money I am heading over to the Western Motorsports guys to get a V12 Mustang done.

I think I just died inside a little.

Fuck doors, that shit is over rated. He should have had a chain and taken out other racers Road Rash style.

The most relevant use of Song 2 ever.

Satire and Sarcasm must be hard subjects for you to grasp when it comes to interpersonal communication. "Booth Professional" is a long running joke that started many years ago, a member brought up that all the Booth Babes were girls. The next auto show they included a couple guys and called the whole lot "Booth

I am happy to hear I am not the only disappointed one in this regard.

At first I was super disappointed that there was going to be S13 and S14 carnage. But then I watched what is essentially Drift Bumper Cars and I am okay with that. They should run a Lemons drift series.

The Japanese have 9 ways to spell moderation, but I don't know if there has ever been practice of the actual word.