The books are flawed in terms of plotting. The show is flawed in terms of character development and it’s handicapped by DG’s terrible plotting.
The books are flawed in terms of plotting. The show is flawed in terms of character development and it’s handicapped by DG’s terrible plotting.
I’m sure this isn’t a consolation but all of this sucked hard in the book, too. In fact, it sucked even more. The show has actually fixed some of the problems but there’s a limit to what they could fix without making dramatic changes to the events in the book.
”The fact that Jamie killed his own rapist and also admits in this very letter that he would still like to kill Bonnet makes this assertion seem unfair and almost as if revenge isn’t a suitable option for her as a woman.”
Yes. The priest is definitely the misguided one in this situation.
I didn’t get the impression that we were supposed to think this guy was noble. I honestly think we’re supposed to think that he’s a nutcase who is letting his so-called honor or principles lead him unnecessarily, and stupidly, to disaster.
I was too busy worrying that the woman had taken the baby with her into the fire to be sad.
The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings, due to finding my older brother’s copy of Bored of the Rings.
I make really fantastic real mac & cheese but it does take more effort. Besides, Kraft M&C is really its own thing. I don’t eat it because I’m craving mac & cheese. I’m eating it because I’m either craving it or because it’s there in the cabinet and I don’t want to take longer than 10 minutes to make dinner.
I have hundreds of books that I’ve lugged thousands of miles over multiple moves but then I bought a house with limited shelf space. It’s enough for the books I have but not enough to allow me to keep aquiring them at my previous pace.
I don’t make a lot of milk-containing recipes but I guess if I planned ahead....
Honest to god, there was no judgement there. If anything, I was pointing out my own lack of classiness. I’m sorry that my meaning wasn’t clear.
Or, if you don’t care about being classy, you can use one of those tiny crock pots.
Good Eat’s Reloaded is a show that kind of revises old, pre-existing episodes of Good Eat’s. But there is also a new Good Eats show in the works - he posted about working on scripts for it the other day. I can’t for life of me remember what it’s called, though.
You know, I didn’t start eating it until my 20's (my mom would have died before she’d have served us something like that, which is weird because we ate a lot Spam, but anyway) so maybe I came to it after it changed over.
Besides adding some real cheese and assorted flavorings, one of my tricks for successful Kraft mac & cheese is to not cook the noodles as long as they say to. They should be a hair underdone. Not crunch and you really shouldn’t see any white if you cut one in half, but not all the way to soft, either.
I’m probably older than both of you and I’m fairly confident that has never been the case for basic Kraft mac and cheese, unless it was something they did for a very short time while I was doing Adkins or something.
Then what do you do with the rest of the can?
If you mixed some real grated cheese and some Tony Chachere’s in there you would find it markedly improved.
I mean that BookBrianna is definitely unlikable, not that she’s supposed to be. We’re supposed to love her and Roger the way we love Jamie and Claire but it doesn’t work in either version.
Brianna is not supposed to be unlikable but BookBrianna definitely is. I like the show’s version better, but still she’s a brat.