
The answer is always Volvo. Stately, luxurious, fast, reliable, AWD, well under budget, why wouldn’t you go with a V70R? Also, this is Jalopnik, what did you expect?

What you have here are essentially two-wheel tractors, which are very common throughout Asia and much of the developing world. You are taking a tractor down to its most basic elements: An engine, an axle, and a power take off (PTO). They used to be very popular in the United States for their simplicity and versatility.

Seems like a good opportunity to give Jim a shoutout, for making my Scout’s livery in-game. Incredible!

So... This:

No mention of Porsche’s boosting of the EA831? I’m being pedantic, but the 924 Turbo (931) deserves special mentioning. And I’m also saying this because mine is funner than the 944 I owned previously.

I’ve been restoring a 924 Turbo for the last three years and live pretty close to Mr. Tracy. Does that count for anything?

No, what he needs to do now is get yet another postal Jeep... specifically a 1979 model with the VAG/Porsche engine in it. :D

Is that your scuba gear, or are you just happy to see me?

With this shared heritage, can you at least ENCOURAGE Young Mr. Tracy to put his considerable talent to use restoring old 924s instead of basket-case Jeeps?

Fun Fact:

I got a refund about 3 weeks ago for the 3 boxes they owed me

The first couple years there was a fixed rear window/no backseat “Prices Starting At_” special

That’s how the trunk lids on the classic Minis open.

In my childhood, I only ever remember seeing the trunk option with the external hinges. I guess everyone who bought one was a cheapskate or they did not bother offering it in Europe. Always liked those big taillights with the chrome accents, especially in black.

Trunk version; this was the cheapskate special. It cost a fairly good whack, at least $100 in 1970s dollars, less than the hatchback. You’d find the same phenomenon at the Ford dealer down the street if you were looking at the Pinto. These were also the lightest and stiffest version although the difference only really

With some bbQ sauce and mashed potatoes?

I expect farmers to disassemble their cows and hogs, preferably near a smoke pit, to keep them from traumatizing my car every day.

fond memories of the Emu War, wherein the Australian army took on their feral hog-analogues and lost

Having watched Episodes 1-6 on TV this weekend, I actually think Episode I might be the best prequel by virtue of not having quite as horrendous acting as the next two episodes and also not looking quite as cartoonish since they still used some real sets and less CG. Sure, it’s got Jar Jar and terrible kid Anakin but