Try and recover the vin number using the method to recover serial numbers on fire arms. It could also make for an interesting article.
The answer is Kizashi, great driving dynamics, cargo space, price, and available AWD.
Aw cute giant babies.
Berry deserves every penny of that $1,000,000. Tesla should have to pay those lawyer leeches.
Can you photo shop a cap on one and a bed cover on one?
I am just very excited you get to try out the 450. I have been following Janus since they made the 50.
All the units they are not allowed to sell in the U.K. now, will just be sold in Mexico. With the Jimny’s popularity I am sure they are still at maximum production capacity.
<3 Thank you Lewis.
These still need a spec racing series.
It was a little long in the tooth itself. Not too surprised. I thought they might let it around for the 2021 model year.
Studs are surprisingly expensive, also they are not sharp. Nails are cheap and pretty sharp though. The only time I’ve seen nails in a punk battle vest/jacket are vintage pictures from the ‘70's. I’m too lazy to make a battle jacket, but I was only planning patches and rivets.
The obvious solution is move to Quebec, and start a Twingo import business. The older ones and later resales get sold south to the U.S. for even more money.
BRC40 FTW!!!!!
This car has been for sale for at least 4 years. I drive past it every day I go to work. It was there when I drove to my interview for my current job.
I am going to play the lottery today, just so if I win I can get a custom bodied Viper.