35 here, still get breakouts. Getting wrinkles and still having zits on your face is truly disheartening.
35 here, still get breakouts. Getting wrinkles and still having zits on your face is truly disheartening.
Here's a good place to start: https://www.ets.org/gre/revised_ge…
Yeah, I was wondering how exactly marky mark is more hirsuit than donnie. Unless he hiding something under those baggy jeans...
Do. Not. Engage.
I took 2 practice tests for the GRE, the first 48 hours before the real test and then the next about 24 hours before going into the test, and I ended up doing well enough to get into my 1st choice school, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
I'd stick it out 'till 12 weeks. There's good reason why most women don't announce their pregnant until they are 3 months along, as your ob/gyn probably has told you. And it sounds like once you let them know at 3 months, then it is a good way to ease yourself out of that job altogether, as it sounds like you really…
I'm in a PhD program right now, and remember the stress of GRE's to get into masters.
It sucks that your boyfriend doesn't get why it bothers you, but as a woman I can understand it. It makes you feel, as you say unneeded, and plus as a girl I want to be the sole object of my significant other's sexual energies and attraction. So there is a bit of jealousy there, not the kind of jealousy your boyfriend…
It's not unusual at all. People do that all the time when they aren't interested in someone, just so they just see other prospective dates on their feeds. Some folks find it easier to organize their love-life that way. Plus, for you it is a great indicator that this person is not for you at all, neither as friend nor…
Apple cider vinegar. Cheap as you can get. Dilute it way down, like 1 part to 8 parts water, and use it in a little squeeze bottle. You can rinse with water after if you want. Apple cider vinegar has similar Ph to a healthy vagina, and some people actually put it in the tub and soak in it (again, VERY diluted amount).…
My BF has nothing but female friends as he is a nurse, and it totally doesn't bother me one bit. It's one of the things that attracted me to him. So it really depends on the girl.
I agree w/ everyone else: he's not into you, and it has nothing to do with circumstances. Men will move mountains to hook up with a girl if they are into them. He just wanted to let you down easy.
This is fascinating to me. I would never dream that some people would even think trans women have 'male privilege' let alone call them out on it. That just sounds so silly and utterly illogical to me. Thanks for your insights.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who cannot handle the OKCupid scene. I am an introvert, non-drinker, not very sociable kind of girl, and I just cannot deal with the online dating scene AT ALL. My best friend loves it, but she is gregarious and loves meeting new people. I just find that exhausting and nothing more than…
Sounds like a big red flag. Boy has got some serious issues with moving, and I would not be surprised in the least if there is a huge blow-up ending with him ending up staying put and not moving across the country with you. You say he's acting different than before, but really, maybe you are just getting to know a…
Read: The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. Often recommended on this site, you can download it as an ebook and you will not regret it. It goes into detail with how to deal with abusive exes. Basically, the advice he would give is let him leave messages, never answer when you see his number, and delete his messages…
The first cat I adopted as an adult living on my own was a 'problem cat' from a no-kill shelter. Her name was Pumpkin, and she was given up to the shelter because she was a biter, very aggressive and bite-y to all she encountered. I fell in love with her instantly, and over the course of the few years she had on this…
Oh, girl, I hear ya. It happens to the best and brightest of us, and has happened to me too. It really does sting, but just thank your lucky stars you found out now and not months or years down the road. My usual remedy is ice-cream and bad movies!
Ok, well "the otherwise fantastic, near perfect for me man" isn't so fantastic and perfect, not at all. Not in the least. You were dating an illusion, a front of a man who selectively presented and represented himself to you in a frankly manipulative way. Sure, you may think he was a close match for you, but close…
My bestest friend in the whole world didn't get kissed or lose her virginity until she was 29. She's 36 now, and she's doing just fine and madly in love with a fabulous guy. So I think you are just fine where you're at in life.