
Well, as someone who just filed for chapter 7 personal bankruptcy, I think it's safe to assume that my credit score will be hovering somewhere around 0 for the next ten years...

Thanks for you insights. I don't think I'll call her, but if I run into her in the hallway again when no one is around it might be good to say: hey, what the heck happened?And actually, Twilight sounds like a good flick to watch—there is definitely something comforting about cheesy movies when your in a bad mood, and

Thanks for your insights, Oleander. It's very helpful. It gives me a different perspective on things. And yeah, luckily we weren't together very long, which does make things easier.

Thanks for the kind words, internet friend. And It's nice to know I am not alone in my debting misery!

Hi. I'm a PhD student, looking at 175,000 in student loans (which, by the time they are paid off in 25 years with 6.8% interest, will total over 250,000), and work part-time in a job that has nothing to do with my major, and I still have to find another job to get enough cash together for fall tuition. It's super

I'd say flirt away but don't go any farther than that. Red-flags re immediate and clear, but keep the good vibes from the flirtations and use that confidence boost in your private life.

I have an alcoholic mom as well. What worked for me was going to Al-Anon meetings. I just sit and listen to the folks, and it really helps. It's free, and there are meetings all over the country. http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/home

Body-Glide. My friend is a marathon runner and has magnificent muscular thighs that just so happen to rub together, and she swears by it. Easy to carry in your purse and re-apply as needed. http://www.amazon.com/BodyGlide-BGCB…

Aww, thanks! That's really sweet, and thanks for the sage advise and affirmation.

Thanks, sweety. That is a comforting thing to think. I just wish that certain someone would hurry along and show up!!

Thanks for the response, and I am sorry for you too. Yeah, part of me is like 'what did I do wrong?' But when i think about it, I didn't do anything weird or crazy or red-flag-ish, I tried to be super chill and easy to get along with and not needy or clingy; and no one owes me an explanation, but it would be nice to

Here's the rub—she was born with male parts, and just started taking female hormones to transition to a female. And honestly, I think it is the meds. I Spoke to another friend of mine who is trans, and she said likewise that when she first started the estrogen and anti-testosterone pills that she pretty much changed

Ugh. After 7 years of singledom, I began dating someone. Started out great, dancing and nites together cuddling and talking, quite lovely, lots in common and easy to get along with, been seeing each other for a couple of weeks, then... nothing. She turned cold as ice. We live in the same building, and I ran into her

AA saved my mom's, and hence my family's, life. Period. It works for lots and lots of women, and does a world of good in saving families and marriages. It gave me back a loving and caring mother, when she had been uttely lost inside a bottle. AA's steps and traditions, their literature, is best understood with the

I don't get it. They pin and tuck the clothes on the models in almost every single photo-shoot I've seen in order to give the clothes the most flattering appearance on the model. And yes, they do the same thing for the mannequins at the store too. So what? It's to make the clothes look their best. It's marketing. Why

James, hire a pro. As in professional escort. Many cater to the needs to express. And there is no shame in that. Oh, and you might just feel better afterwards.

Now playing

It amazes me how many people think this is an abortion pill. IT'S NOT AN ABORTION PILL, FOLKS. If you are already pregnant it won't do anything to change that fact. This is why it needs to be taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse, and why it is so vital for it to be made available over-the-counter. Here's an

Well done Professor!!!

Wow...just wow.