Hot take: enemies in 2D games that hurt you when you run into them are an outdated design trope that needs to go the way of level passwords.
Hot take: enemies in 2D games that hurt you when you run into them are an outdated design trope that needs to go the way of level passwords.
BJ’s the kind of guy who could get his head cut off, and he’d somehow figure a way to continue killing Nazis in spite of it.
Boomers never skateboarded. 🙄 I think this whinging Millennial should get an education.
They work really well to prevent such things in the city where I live. I rarely see anyone skateboarding on public property outside of skate parks, and it used to be a big problem here before the parks were built. At most, it’s an occasional person rolling calmly down the sidewalk to/from work - those who do that here…
Ok Boomer
Ever heard of skateparks?
You know that her “look” is her “look” because she was so traumatized by adult men sexualizing her teenage body that she took to wearing oversized clothes and other ways of covering up/ not showing her real body to protect herself, right?
Y’know what? This is belittling for no good reason. Billie has talked at length about how crazy and potentially unsafe it can be for her to be in public, and also how worried she gets about contestant scrutiny and judgement. So it sounds like she just wants people to be safe and not do stupid shit that she could get…
Never underestimate the lengths thirsty YouTubers will go to for likes.
“I just had to gesture to the bartender who brought him his drink.”
The thought of ever going on enough first dates to have a “first date power move” is actually terrifying. I just don't understand some people.
I don’t like Ross as a character, but Schwimmer’s performance (specifically his physical comedy abilities and his overall comedic timing) was fantastic. That’s something I’ve appreciated more on repeat viewings.
Considering the only way new characters ever got introduced to that show was by sleeping with, or being related to one of the Friends, there probably weren’t a lot of other options. It still feels yucky though. All those women were too good for Ross anyways. They deserved better.
Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your…
Social re-insertion plan after killing your wife with a hammer and then stabbing her?!?!
So.... $100 per violation? Chump change for a corporation like Chipotle. If we actually want things to change these penalties have to be way bigger.
The first thing I thought of was when he raped that woman in Colorado. She was not able to push forward with her testimony because of all of the threats against her. Nobody cared about her welfare, only that of their sports idol.
I assumed CEO family meant both parents (and all kids???) were CEOs, but I like this theory. The number of references to the Mom needing to relax supports this. No reference to the Dad is interesting.
Scarlett Johansson’s already up for the role of Lydia in the film adaptation.
“It remains unclear what ultimately led her to believe that the people crossing the border needed to be rendered human, and to whom she purported to humanize them—particularly since there is already a large body of work about the topic of contemporary immigration, written by Latinx authors and amassed over decades.” -…