Pulsar the hollow man

It takes weeks/months and numerous third party professionals on both sides to facilitate a real estate deal. Realtors, lawyers, loan officers and other bankers, notaries public. This whole thing is farkakte.

1) This is something that’s supposed to be a State law as it speaks to contract formation, which is a State by State issue (e.g. some States require a notary and two witnesses for an effective conveyance of real property for instance);

I’m all for shitting on Tucker but it’s a little more complicated.

I was sexually abused in early adolescence by a close friend while we were at school - during a school day. This “friend” was enabled by the establishment, the fact that he had groomed me to know if I said anything I would get “in trouble”, and the fact that I was a tiny waif of a human and he was at least two times

call me jaded and cynical but his interview reads like it was composed by a PR team as part of the rehabilitation and comeback tour.

I actually think this interview is pretty coy. He’s all but saying he’s done what he’s accused of but the way he says it is jussst before going over the line.

I hope that he gets help and makes amends to his victims, but I don’t think I will be watching anymore of his movies. I’m sure that he will make a comeback in a couple of years and his past will be brought up and everyone will be like so what. 

A nubis, the nubis, same thing.

Why would a woman that’s shifted to directing, meet with a buzzy actor (whose play she just saw) that’s had some critical acclaim? Hmm... must be love.

A 26 year old just older than her 22 year old son?? And you want us to believe she was in a date, while also with her child and her friend Simon Crane? Okay… you guys need to back your gossip up.

It’s actually incredibly common in sexually abused children to act outwardly sexual at an inappropriately young age. And Googling it, Thorne was indeed sexually abused from age 9-14 according to her. Reporting that sort of behavior (if that’s the case) to her parents seems correct and not what a pedo would do.

ok Andrew

I know a nurse manager who was just laid off because her workplace was bought out and the new owners were drastically reducing labor to be more profitable. Of course, for the last year she’s been working 60 hour weeks because they’re already understaffed since the last buyout did the same thing.

If incompetent police are going to rethink the profession, that’s a win for everyone!

This whole trial has been a huge misinformation campaign from Johnny Depp and his lawyer Adam Walderman. most of the Pro Depp people are bots or people that just hate Amber and don’t know the facts. 

Even though he was a drug addict and alcoholic who was fed drugs and alcohol by his management team, friends, and previous lovers prior to meeting Amber, all of it is lain at Amber’s feet. Not fucking fair. 

His career was already in the shitter due to his alcohol & drug abuse, chronic lateness, refusal to learn his lines (necessitating him being fed them through a headset), & assaulting a crew member on one of his sets. But go off I guess.

Johnny ruined his own career by being a drunken mess.

Look into coverage of his first defamation case in the UK. The judge found that Heard’s allegations were substantiated. 

What do you think the overlap of “weird nerds who love Elon Musk” and “weird nerds who defend Johnny Depp” is?