
This is good parenting Internet.

No guts, no snacktime.

This week in “Content nobody wants or needs!”

Hags will be hags.

Finishing Mafia 3 so I can have room on the old hard drive for Battlefield 1.

No it’s the one that will never be finished.

I completely agree with you about the schism in war games between single player and multiplayer. However, I feel like the average gamer who buys a couple games a year, including something like Battlefield, could not give an ounce of a shit about the horrors of grand scale conflict like WW1.

Mafia 3 reminds me a lot of Mad Max. Good core gameplay loop mired in weird choices and miles of drudgery. I’m enjoying it but I’ve stopped doing anything but the core missions.

Does the conversation about Kaepernick change at all if he comes out as the starter and tears it up for the Niners?

Grinding and online multiplayer in sports video games, which were my first love. Can’t handle the cheese and grinding is a waste of my time in a hobby that could already be considered a waste of time.

I know I’m in the greys and everything but I’m curious if anyone knows what the hell happened to Deadcast?


Something tells me the 76ers will also be the first to hop on the uniform advertising that is ultimately inevitable. I’m picturing a family-friendly namebrand for the Sixers and Brazzers for their D-League affiliate.

RIP video game KG. May you never harm another padded hoop with your head ever again.

Would you be referring to Jagr by chance?

Oh the humanity! I hope the 32/64 bit era treated your poor family a bit better than those fucks from the one-six.

Does anybody really think this won’t just blow up on launch? Seems to me SpaceX hasn’t done a single thing correctly so far.

Quality aside; there’s only one question. Is it metal as fuck?

Soft confirmation of Bloodborne 2?

If only my bowels were so grossly incandescent.