
If you disgorge an antelope, does that mean it’s a cantaloupe?

Unbeaten since October and they have rocketed up the standings from 6th to ... umm ... 6th!!!

The 14 stunned birds were later quoted as saying “They were so good at the beginning of the season, what the fuck happened?!”

For a guy without a working finger, he seems easily triggered.

Yes, but you have to take a running start, or it won’t work.

The heartwarming Hobbit trilogy reunion:

As a Spurs supporter, I fully expected to see them shit the bed in this match. Not because they classically do so in (recent) tournament play, but because Adebayo Akinfenwa might be the real life version of Black Panther...

When angry, Arsène grows to three times his normal size, as long as he’s wearing a puffy jacket.

Pushing 4th is nothing new for Arsene.

alternate headline:

I assume the back surgery is an exploratory procedure in which they’ll be looking for something resembling a spine.  

The Spurs are silently fearsome. They’re fucking good, but you don’t feel it until you’re watching deep in the season.

And the best part is, the kid won’t get cold while he’s trick-or-treating because he’s already inside the tauntaun.

Sam Rockwell is the most underrated actor, right?

Video Game Shit I’m Too Old For: Grinding.

I’m incredibly qualified to judge managerial skill

We’ve finally done it! 16-bit is dead! I promised my late father, that I would not rest until the world no longer had the same 16-bit menace that killed my mother. Times are a changin!

Anyways I don’t know if it mattered to basketball players at the time, but I wonder if he was super stoked to be in a video game when

You headbang after defeating a boss. It’s a damn sight better than it’s initial release too.