
You’re off to a fine start sir. Rick and Morty gif’s pass muster with me and you’re officially on the nice list. Welcome.

I wholeheartedly agree. But when I walk into somewhere like a Best Buy I feel like I never see competent, intelligent shopping. People see shiny, buy shiny. Consumers are basically Gollum.

The average consumer isn’t smart enough nor have they heard of Scorpio, so when they go into a store this holiday season they may very well choose the Pro over One S. We sometimes forget as readers and discussers of gaming news on sites like Kotaku that we are actually the minority.

Oooh tough words from a once and future legend of Saarbrucken....

Is it just me or is there more excitement around the slight rumors that there will be an announcement from Bioware and/or Rockstar at this thing?

Thank you for the awesome response Axial!

How is the beta overall? I have a rule against spending time on betas but am curious all the same. Spent 100 hours in BF4 so safe to say I’m excited for this.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye. Better to read your “hot” takes than anything on IGN or Gamespot. Come back soon sir.

Can the same be said for porn?

KoDOCu! I see what you did there. Welcome.

All of the opinions! Must be a national holiday.

I’ve worn this costume since I found it! It’s too much fun to not wear it and roleplaying as the Silver Shroud is even better.

I’ve always felt that, generally speaking, people just want to stare at beauty. Actors, polygons, athletes and even the man or woman across the bar. If they are beautiful, we will stare. That said, I’d rather look at the normalish proportions of the new Lara Croft then the over-the-top proportions of anime-esque

If only everyone had the luxury of their “last stop” being a cushy job in Nice. Actually, on second thought, fuck Nice.

Looks like a scene from the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.

This comment made me cackle for some reason. I live in a city called La Crosse and have never met anybody who likes the lowercase sport. Touche.

Pretty damn excited for this game. Sadly will be in LA during launch week but afterwards, look out gaming chair, you and I are gonna get real acquainted.

I fuckin’ hate pikeys.

Oh shit, it worked! Good on you!