
Archer’s beard lice approves this message.

Old ass reference. Are you a secret Scientologist come to spread the good word of Travolta’s iMDB page?

Cunts gonna be cunts.

Such sass sir or madam. I got chills.

No. No. No. No.

The worst thing about this photo is Chili’s. Ugh.

Made in China.

Now playing

They found another dead body in the alley.

Nope nope. Skyscrapers and overpaid forwards as far as the eye can see.


In other news, a new kind of moth was discovered today. Scientists are baffled by this strange new species that seems to feed off the tears of fabulously narcissistic statue subjects.

These announcements are always good for a laugh over on the Playstation Blog. The whining about what Sony “owes us” is truly remarkable.

Right?! When was the last time any developer created such a large expansion for a game? The early 00's maybe. It’s the perfect bookend to the series.

This is a good rule of thumb to follow in video games and life lol.

You’ve never gone “into” a beer? Oh my friend you have not lived until you’ve gotten all up “into” a beer.

I just can’t do the grind of those games anymore. Even something like The Witcher 3 took me forever to beat because I played it in small chunks. I’m not even 30 yet and I think I’ve hit that older gamer wall.

I jumped back into the old one for comparison and honestly the first one kinda plays like shit. They improved everything about the game but the writing is boring and yea the open world is just dull. Nothing interesting to do.

If you like stealth games at all, Metal Gear. It’s stellar.

Haha, come at me bro! No my initial sneer was at the anus comment. I like Destiny though I hardly play it anymore.