
Westbrook: “I second that you little fuck!”

I was watching that Durant moment live and I’m still confused. Isn’t he saying that right to Waiters’ face?

Bing, headshot!

In Drew’s defense, this video and screengrabs of him looking like an ass have become boring. He’s a lame white dude. Get over it.

It’s so fucking good. Brutalizing the legions of hell fills me with whimsy.

When is the review embargo up for Homefront anyways? My guess is Monday morning but nobody announces these things. #keepgamedevsecret

Odor? Odor. Odor!

This is the most explosive Man U have been all season.

Over/under on at least one nitwit not picking up on Jason’s sarcasm? They never fail on kinja.

Get rekt.

Never shorten the word playoffs to yoffs dude. It’s not cool.

Ha, Brian Windhorst just made a face.

It’s all fun and games until the happy couple secretly puts all the wedding gifts up on the auction house to make some quick coin.

Nothing like some lean buffalo meat for breakfast...if you SMELLLLLL, what The Rock is cookin.

I’m mesmerized and repulsed, all at the same time. A meme paradox, you bastard!

His buddies in the humidor be like, “Shit Stan, we hardly knew ye.”

Fuck this shit man. The universe can be a real dick.

Finishing Dark Souls 3 after getting sidetracked with a minor NBA 2k16 obsession.

Ah yes, led by the great JR Smith. A man good at two things. Making three point shots and missing three point shots. Which man you get seemingly depends on the weather and which tattoo is itching him that day.