
Blood and Wine release date. That is all.

Meh. I run and lift when I can, in between bouts of booze partaking and the occasional pizza. This shit is for the birds.

I’m sure some folks who started vanilla WoW have gotten old and died. Circle of life Simba.

THIS! I have a really solid gold lineup with AM Harden but that’s about it. Ashamed to say I dropped $40 on VC recently. Then again, I bought it when it came out, had to delete in November to make room for other things and have only really gotten into it since February.

We’re in for a real treat if it’s half as good as LeBron’s comedic turn in Trainwreck...

This is the dumbest hot take on this site in quite a while. Space Jam? Really? An inoffensive movie with BUGS FUCKING BUNNY has to draw your ire? Fuck off and good day sir.

That’s a better accomplishment than anything I’ve done man. Have 4 more teams to beat in domination mode before unlocking historic domination and just got my ass whooped in 5 games by the Pelicans in that damn Road to the Finals mode in myteam.

What makes you say that? Just curious. Never tried it.

I know the feeling. Stephen once responded to me. Halcyon days man.

I really feel like Magic should GM the Magic. Just sayin.

Face = melted.

I play on 12 min quarters, All Star, as a 6-2 PG. The stats are hilarious at times. 35 pts, 6 boards, 15 assists is a usual statline. I refuse to sim as well so I feel your pain/grind Jason.

I won’t say that I can’t stand it but you’re not wrong. It’s incredibly wonky at times, beyond hilarious and into frustrating. I usually play MyTeam single player because I’ve lost the attention span to play an hour long sports game match and online is atrocious.

I bet you’re real fun at parties chief.

Fuck yea. *stretches thumbs to get psyched*

Guys, shhh, this is a massive secret but the new Call of Duty has...wait for it..warfare in the title. WHOA right?!

“Don’t leave me hanging bro! I may have made millions of dollars off of your skill and hard work but we can still be friends young African-American homie!”

I guess someone forgot to regulate his performance.

On-field guttings only happen in 8th division Argentine soccer man.

“All that other physics stuff.” The true mystery to the art of pitching.