
Aww, Billy. Did you fall asleep in middle school science class? Jupiter buddy. The next planet back is Jupiter.

I refuse to complain about “free” games but it’s pretty obvious that Sony have made a hard swerve away from offering anything but small indies. This is fine but I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they made that decision. Were they hemorrhaging money through this program or something?

Ha! White people.

I know it’s Shuhei on right now but this guy speaks better English than some of the nitwits I live around here in WI. Granted, it is WI, soooo.

Hah! What does a Gawker site love more than puns? Dick pics.

“My balls haven’t dropped yet but I’m worldly enough to know that you can’t trust anyone that doesn’t sound like a British frog with a dick in it’s mouth. Errr, wait, that came out wrong!”

Damnit. I had five bucks on “Talentless Hack.”

Fuck off. I love you.

I came for the cheeky PK but I stayed for the Ray Hudson assault on my eardrums. Magisterial.

There’s a Jimmy Fallon, too drunk to stand joke to be made here but I’ve got nothing.

I see a Skittle farm in his future. And lots of questions as to why he thinks that’s a thing.

Can anyone catch Leicester? Just the pimps in Thailand and more videos of Vardy being a charming racist.

One could stick a chip in a cup of cow spunk and call it dip. Semantics.

Grr, I kinda don’t want to star you. But damnit I will. +1

Buying good players for more than their market value doesn’t make your league good. Besides, they’ll all choke on the smog in less than 6 months and come begging back to Europe or Brazil.

So Miaza is a “thing” now on Deadspin? You are out of control Billy.

Entitlement and ease go hand in hand. And why would you assume I’m some dickish, anti-Obama crazy person?

If you think you are entitled to free art then you are an asshole.

“What is best in life?”

First and foremost, Mitch needs to apologize for that thing on his head that he calls “hair.”