
Good luck to PS4 players. PSN is down today.

He’d fit right in as the star signing for Atlanta United. “What’s all this about Jim Crow then lads?”

Ha! “Draper, go home, you’re drunk.”

People went out of their way to e-mail you? Oh boy, that makes it all the more sweet.

I wonder how calculated Tim’s post was last night. Did he know just how many Deadspin nitwits would miss the snark about the Warriors “losing?” There is no karma in trolling your own readers but there sure is plenty of schadenfreude.

I find his overly-tanned hide and disingenuous smile to be the most disturbing things about Ronaldo. His ego is a distant second.

I’d rather eat mounds of asparagus and then piss on any Chelsea jersey than buy one just because it has a dual-passport American’s name on the back. But I wish him the best of luck.

The Eredivisie has maybe 3 or 4 teams that are more talented than the MLS table. That’s it. That league no longer sets the world on fire. This isn’t the 70's Billy. I think what Chozo means is that Chelsea buy young players only to loan them out all over the world. Miazga will have to come in and immediately stand out

Wonder what his backhand looks like?

That is either the saddest, or the single greatest movie library of all time. Bye Felicia!

His amateur porn dabbling ex-girlfriend probably thinks the same thing about him.

I’m surprised Simmons wasn’t too busy gagging on the rotting dick of Red Auerbach.

Hot takes in the comments section. Lukewarm take from you Greg. Who gives a shit how bad he is? It doesn’t diminish what Lamar is doing simply because some white ass-hat beat him out for a useless award once.

This is still haunting the Internet, eh?

This dude’s disconnect with reality is staggering.

Shelvey is 23? Huh. Every time I see him playing I just assume he’s about 27-30 and never really panned out.

Fuck Barcelona and their bank-backed wallets. Then again, fuck the oligarchs who own everyone else. Gah, European soccer why do I love thee?

And they called it “puppy love.”

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