
So Capcom just rewatched Aladdin then?

Followed your link to the notes Kirk. Site down. Conclusion: people are stupid excited for this update. Side note, Destiny still hasn’t started downloading the update for me on Xbox One.

Someone’s got a case of the fuck its.

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Clearly not everyone is aware of this.

“Boosted by the inclusion of historically significant clubs like the New York Cosmos” Haha this made me laugh.

I think crowdfunding in video games will ultimately have its bubble burst due to some unforeseen disaster, *cough* Star Citizen *cough*. But if not then I hope it fills this niche of adventure, point and click and CRPG’s for as long as possible.

And then the Texans shut down that poor man who beat cancer. Classy.

I wonder if this is the product of Avalanche’s B team or rushed development time?

“ Also, this is where Kiefer Sutherland talks the most.” I never thought I’d read this statement in a video game review. Modern times!

This was the first thing that popped into my head too.

A seminal album! Well played Fahey. You’ve been missed.

Oh look, an old blonde man who actually knows how to handle his thinning hair! I’m looking at you Trump.

The real question is whether or not they put they same amount of shameful effort into maintaining their lush pubic lawns.

Did Destiny’s lore fuck your mom or something? Jeez.

RG III strikes me as someone who has resting bitch face.

Nay, a polite fuck you to you face mole. If I wanna stick Q-Tips masquerading as audio devices into my ears, I shall.

Antonio McDyess name drop from outta nowhere. Fuck yes.

You are so god damned delightfully wordy Billy Haisley. Keep it up you handsome son of a bitch. Also, fuck Chelsea.

Violence against women on 3! Break!