
I agree with just about everything here but I would point out that it’s not that crazy to think Bale might leave Madrid. Ronaldo treats him like shit during games and they constantly get in one another’s way. Bale would be the crown jewel at Man U rather than Ronaldo’s Robin.

Ice cold indeed.

Did you just get shouted down by the only Playing House fan in the house?

Holy shit, the head honcho himself responded to me. You’ve made my Wednesday Stephen.

I enjoy your meme and I love your alliteration riddled user name. That is all.

I hate it when people shit on the interests and hobbies of others so I’ll just say that I have never understood pro wrestling and why it’s a thing.

I picked it up for the discounted price on Xbox One. It’s the PC port you think it is.

I really hope that only took like five seconds to think of. You got a giggle though so you win.

Someone should turn the tables and troll him with memes about the failure that was that Kingdoms of Amalur MMO.

They already got my money because I pre-ordered before this whole fiasco. I know, I know, go fuck myself for pre-ordering. Well same to you.

Did he just grammar Nazi and burn himself in two tweets? Applause thy name is Jason.

Do you not smell his sarcasm from across the Internet?

I live in WI and my social media is just a torrent of whining right now. “Jordy NOOO!” It’s pretty hilarious.

What the hell is Bolt looking at in that picture? The photo finish? His grandma? A boob???

For some reason I laughed hysterically at this. Sorry.

To be fair, the vuvuzelas were the main draw there.

It’s on nearly every single hidden gem list I’ve ever seen. Good looking out for Alpha Protocol here Phil.

Jokes on you because I love soccer. Chill the fuck out.

You really hung Kotaku out to dry there.

Eight seconds is also the average time most Americans have spent watching soccer in their lifetime.