
She lost all credibility when she mentioned Facebook...or was it the use of the word “retarded?” I can’t decide.

At least they can tweet about the incident, unlike a certain institution in South Carolina.

An obvious metaphor for what he’ll do to the country if elected. Heads up, USA.

Well eventually Batman will become a geriatric, billionaire asshole so it’s not that much of a stretch.

It must have taken you more time to crop those pictures then to come up with the idea for the post. Good job.

Max Kellerman has been suspended from ESPN for his work on the basketball court.

This is not compelling. This is as boring as cleaning the tub. Good day.

Would you kindly do some walking?

HA! That’s how much anyone cares about Leicester. Well played.

The werewolf fights were stupid and it was very much overpriced but I enjoyed the experience. It was more enjoyable than any Call of Duty campaign at least.

I’ll raise a fuck to your fucks.

The ultimate pre-order.

Gotta be careful using the phrase “backhanded praise” in today’s NFL...

“Damn Millenials.” - The entire Republican debate panel

Kill it dead and leave this dumb property on the side of the road like the skunk that it is.

That’s a bit of a ridiculous statement. These fans are very passionate and Riot gives them ample opportunity to be heard. That said I kind of felt the same way. I’m sick of MOBA news and the bullshit surrounding them.

That screenshot looks like hot trash. Also, can we really make comparisons to a game that has yet to be released?

Ah I see we’ve found a UI truther... You’re not wrong though.

Beware the smug inbred who doth protest too much.

A silly game for silly people. (I adore it.)