
“I don’t like the way this feels.” - Goodell on Brady’s balls

Jesus Christ. These people are like the extras in a Christopher Guest movie.

And the second born shall be known as COMCAP!

A middle-aged white man who is used to telling young black men what to do is uncomfortable with their culture? This is news?

Creatively bankrupt. Like 50.

Too soon? Probably not.

Konami lost all their scruples in the 90’s.

Hopefully they won’t be hunted down by Walter Palmer and his bros.

You didn’t roll deep with little boy blue? Pfft.

I’m sure that made your girlfriend feel wonderful dude...

I’ll give it a go. I always forget about Quen because, well, the game wasn’t hard until this brick shithouse of a former elf started punching me in the face.

The grandmaster of throwin’ shade and pouring salt.

Speaking to the difficulty thing, I’ve hit a wall against Imlerith. This walking tank of an asshole hits too fucking hard in the last portion of the fight. What am I missing? (Git gud)

You might even call it a LEAKY Valve. Sorry.

Feathered and not so lethal, Cotton!

But will there be a secret achievement tied to bestiality? This is the biting question.

My body is ready to V.A.T.S. the absolute fuck out of some Behemoth mutants. Snarky assholes.

This has been one of the surprises of the year. Dontnod are one hell of a promising dev.

That’s precisely where hot dogs belong. Leave it there kid.

This! I adore Witcher 3, warts and all, but it’s so god damn big.