
Yeah,youre going to die. 

Ok Kevin I have read you and have given you my clicks... EVEN THOUGH I AM STILL GREY.. but this I cannot get behind, you know this is not practical sandwich making, just make a pickle roll and be done with it.

Live long or die happy...amirite? 

Man how I wish kinja would ungrey their pictures... I always click “show pending” but it never ungreys the pictures... Damn you kinja and your "teachers pet" attitude. 

And we all know red is the hot spice. 

Great read, makes me wish I liked tomato and tomato juice...I also get jealous of people who enjoy a Bloody Mary, I wish there was a non-tomato version that came with all of the same goodies.

I see watt you did there. 

It is articles like this that make me so grateful that I work at a fruit orchard and garden...right now I have so many peach seconds that this will done tonight. 

Now if someone will please ungrey me. 

This is obviously a biased opinion, but one that made me jealous. 

They were developed by big dentistry

Speaking of pop rocks, the cherry cola Oreos had cherry cola cream filling with pop rocks to simulate the fizz, so weird yet it worked. 

Bottlecaps for the star

You had me at Violent Rumble...I used to find those in California, unfortunately those are disqualified due to the chocolate coating. 

First off thank god no one picked circus peanuts or JuJu Bees.

For sure. I don't understand these commenters that say "I still stop at a Subway now and then while on a road trip" That is not the time to eat at Subway but a time to try something new. When you stop for gas just ask a local "What's good and unique around here?"

TThe so call "hot dog" cut. 

You mean those hot air microwave things or the convayor oven like Quiznos?

Subway reminds me of a Play-Doh factory, you can press things into different colors and shapes, but it all still taste the same.

We used to have some really good unique delis in town, but now they are Subways.