
Shaun Mendes is way overpaid at 30k

Yeah, but I still like you Kevin”

Here is my fucking etc.

My local BK has 3 French toast sticks on the dollar menu, an order of 5 French toast sticks cost $2.99.

I live near the 7-11 that sells the most Slurpees in the world (Kennewick, WA) their Slurpee selection is crazy.

Whiskey works better

“Note: Taco Bell is not considered edible”

Gas station sushi is my go to. 

How many bowls of Colon-Blow? 

They are OK but you will pay the price in the morning. 

“I personally don’t want to be viewed as a product”

I am going to post this article on facebook, but I only going to do so ironically. 

Cant wait to hang that award on my wall. 

I have heard other people complain if this, but I have never had an issue...I don't know what the difference is. 

You are obviously way too qualified to manage a Hardee's

How do you feel about nourth/south peanut butter cups? 

I feel that would just water it down

I only moved the goalposts after I scored though. 

“I’m only testing products with a wide national distribution”

Oh I forgot to tell you I often make up words as I go along.