
Sooooo... No tacos? 

The Aztec Whale Shark

I just ordered pizzas for me and my daughter, she saw that I had ordered a BBQ Hawaiian chicken and asked “Ewww, pineapple on a pizza, what kind of monster are you?”

You are a trolling troll liar who tells troll lies. 

That makes four of us. 

“You don’t go to the hotel bar to spend $22k”

Is this supposed to be a written article or a facebook post? 

You just need one of these

There is no such thing as vegan cheese. 

“a magic deboner”

Its a place to mount your front license plate. 

Thats what she said. 

“Don’t be a judgmental prick”

What kind of chicken shit comment is that? 

I can verify this, I have been pulled over for my Christmas tree air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror. 

It looks like a brush bar, some lights, and a bunch of stickers was all the mods it needed. 

You forget about all of the wheels turning on the roads are alternately speeding up and slowing down the earth's rotation depending on the direction of rush hour traffic. This is the true cause of global warming, I read it on the inter-web. 

The tri-cities area of Washington where I live is the Florida of the northwest and we have plenty of snow. 

Will there ever be a time that pork prices are low enough and they put out the McRib AND the Shamrock Shake is out at the same time?

A greasy pork chop served in a dirty ashtray.