
You are a lying liar who tells lies. 

Is it microwavable? If so you can zap this while it is still in the jar and I would think this help keep the sides scraped down.

They shouldn’t even call them crunchy shells.

So can those electric motors be used in other ways as well?

So you are in a relationship with strippers and your boat? 

Isnt that where they hold the wharf arts festival? 

You are a lying liar who tells lies.

Rude is everywhere at all times. 

twatch your language. 

I think it’s funny that everyone is bitching about how hard it is to get/carry cash.

“What’s next, how to steal cable TV from your neighbors?”

You are a lying liar who tells lies. 

I usually do a few batches of wings and throw open my cupboards and let my guests concoct a couple different sauces then toss the wings so we have three or four different flavors.

“There's no accounting for taste" was going to be my response to you. 

I use them to sell produce at the farmers market, the funny thing is you would think those customers would be the most likely to bring reusable bags with them.

I prefer to call all Karens unKarens because they just don't give AF about anyone else but themselves. 

1: Be careful with this driver as they are prone to road rage.

No, arguing with yourself is the first sign. 

You got me to click on a lazy ass article that is best a worthless two paragraphs?

TBH I am jealous.