
I looked but couldn’t find this article, just one lazy paragraph. 

So glad you added that last tip about mustard side down... I almost screwed that up. 

The word factoid was first coined in 1973 by Norman Mailer in his book about Marilyn Monroe. The origin definition is “an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print.”

I have herd some BULLshit in my time, but this is udderly ridiculous. 

Judging from some of the comments on here, those can be a hot topic, cheese people calm down. 

Anything w a muffin is just to dry, like eating decent tasting dirt, the croissant is pretty good, I was always against the mcgriddle because never wanted the sweet w my bfast sandwich, but a coworker brought them in for everyone and I was pleasantly surprised.

What do you mean it can’t dress it up, a slice of processed cheese (the best you can find) will elevate the simple, humble Sloppy Joe to the soaring heights worthy of the name Messy Joseph.

The kids required two different pastas!?!?

That’s why there’s butter on his pants! 

I love anything on a bun, be it a burger, a sub, a hero, or a hotdog sandwich

Love the movie reference 

Most chickens are trash birds. Don’t settle for anything less than an Autisimal, free range, antibiotic free, hormone injected gmo and gluten free duck

Mobile orgy shaggin’ wagon! 

If I had enough drunk money I would want to buy this to recreate National Lampoons Vacation, w me and a few drinking buddies. One rule though: you cannot bring anything w you that was made after 1984.

oh yeah we’re in a bait car”

A hot engine runs faster so I drained my coolant

Definitely not my carrier, the last batch of payroll checks took 7 weeks to arrive. The cheap ass payroll company sent them USPS 

A passenger is probably not aware of your driving inputs ESPECIALLY BRAKING"

I feel this is a charged conversation 

I was all like oh yeah a dynamometer in every garage charging treadmill style, then you slap me in the face w facts and make me remember how dynamometers work...HOW DARE YOU!!!