
*rectus and angulus 

#1 is incorrect. all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

You have never truly lived until you have hand cranked an engine 

As opposed to post frozen yum

This is magnified hundreds of times if the passenger has never driven a car themselves before.”

what about SSC? 

Going to buy this for the wife... it can be hearse

that means I an am 75% not a troll! 

Everything it’s showing is pretty much what I’d have guessed, or could about see from the windows, anyway.”

Actually the golden ratio is infinity ketchup devided by pi mayonnaise

But what about the chilito aka the chilli cheese burrito aka the CCB, won’t someone bring back the CCB? 

I can’t read this without crying

Order two dollar cheeseburgers minus ketchup plus mac sauce throw out the bottom bun of one of the cheeseburgers stack them and you have a two dollar Big Mac. 

All that vape and tire smoke sure made some clouds, oh wait I thought of something, vape pens that taste and smell like tire smoke! 

I once had a late 70 Blazer that was basically my thrash-mobile. It was completely rusted out, in the gl9ve box was the original bill of sale and some poor guy actually paid for rust proofing. 

It took me that whole article to get the “Sir Vival” pun... I am slow sometimes 

yes, yes yes, I want this now

if you want a well done steak, go to your nearest mini-mart and get yourself some steak fingers.... And oh yeah don’t forget the ranch to dip that crap in.

it’s all about the wording, don’t ask for it burnt, ask for it to be charred. 

That’s why he was staged on the left