
This is high quality compared to his soccer articles

Billy Haisley or Jonathan Wilson... Mmm... Billy Haisley or Jonathan Wilson? Um... Haisley or Wilson. I think I’ll go for Wilson.

This is grasping for straws. BuzzFeed fucked up and now have given Trump and his supporters the ammo they needed to say the media is biased.

He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.

President Donald Trump: —of years. They say that we had hurricanes that were far worse than what we just had with Michael.
Lesley Stahl: Who says that? “They say”?
President Donald Trump: People say. People say that in the—
Lesley Stahl: Yeah, but what about the scientists who say it’s worse than ever?
President Donald

I swear to God, I’ll pistol whip the next guy that says ‘shenanigans!

They claimed it was low fat - but it wasn’t.

“Oh yeah? Well, I was hunted once. I’d just came back from ‘Nam. I was hitching through Oregon and some cop started harassing me. Next thing you know, I had a whole army of cops chasing me through the woods! I had to take ‘em all out—it was a bloodbath!”

you’ll be fine. Go away for a few years and then come back and most will forget this. All these men thinking there lives are over haven’t been paying attention all of history and our society loves a comeback story.

You are not giving this man enough credit. He is fucking brilliant and dogged and a good investigative journalist. He freaking finished college at fifteen! He’s also a lawyer and a former governmental advisor who has done some absolutely amazing things. He has written many essays carried in many prestigious papers and

Sadly, you’ll have no luck convincing people here. Candidate records are clear as day, and yet many people here will scramble over themselves to endlessly defend candidates who promote endless war, defend Wall Street bankers, and do the best they can to avoid doing something legitimately progressive should they get

Go fuck yourself. You’re the one who obviously knows jackshit. Maybe you should go ask Jason Robinson or Israel Folau or Sonny Bill Williams or any the mediocre league players who’ve ended up as Wallabies which code is ‘arena football’. Maybe if you understand the history and the politics of the schism you’d have a

I know, I know. Everything on this list is wrong. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode.

Waaaay too high a spot for Frank’s Brother.

way too much reliance on recent seasons. “Cult” and “Charlie Work” have no place in the top 10.

Mac and Dennis Break Up is criminally underrated.

Frank’s Brother in the top half! No. That is by any standard the worst episode of the entire series.

This list is horrible. Frank’s Brother is by far the worst episode, The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention is the best.

The gap between Trump and Clinton in Wisconsin is just under 27,000 votes. Nearly 31,000 people in Wisconsin voted for Jill Stein.

Hillary Clinton lost the election not Susan Sarandon.