
His last task will be to introduce Grobe to the entire staff he retained.

Whitlock: You know, I really think you could be the missing ingredient that brings this whole damn thing together.

Rovell needs to tweet about how much IU basketball is going to pay Brad Stevens.

But what does Michael Caine have to say about this?

That’s wild

Give that man a Yeti cooler

I think Michael Irvin is more concerned with rules on who’s holding.

I can hear Chris already, “Black folk can’t win a damn Oscar, but they make us hand ‘em out. White people got us serving them, again! Here’s yo’ Oscar trophy, massa...wants me to shine that up for ya?” *insert big toothy Chris Rock grin here*

Prosecutor: “Now Mr. Pierre-Paul, is the man who tweeted your medical records in the courtroom today?”

Talking shit about analytics in basketball is no big deal, but talking shit about analytics in baseball means all out WAR.

For one thing, the cop’s shooting percentage would be sky-high.

Yup. The fact that you know it, and I know it and neither ATP/TIU or FIFA has stopped the fixing is a fucking embarrassment.

Or he’s trolling Jason Pierre-Paul.

shut the fuck up

Unsurprising. Long necks are kind of his thing.

Eli, on the other hand, would never mess with that "light" shit. He goes right for the crafts.