
that site is 98% bullshit

Craig hams it up perfectly. There’s even a few lines in the movie having a dig at it

Not having any MCU movies is the only credible part of this list

it was killed by shit writers creating shit content, therefore driving away readers

Jags got 3 years of “arguably the best player in the NFL” on a rookie deal, and then turn that into two 1st rounders.

Jags got 3 years of “arguably the best player in the NFL” on a rookie deal, and then turn that into two 1st rounders.

Because the writers on this site hate seeing what journalism is, let alone journalism that creates a discussion or makes a difference. The Newsroom showed what they hoped to become, and their failed realities made them hate the show.

This is Jezebel, where every male is evil and every female is a saint. They don’t understand that when it’s a male vs female and the male is in the wrong the female can be too

This is high quality compared to his soccer articles

not odd at all


What was his campaign slogan again?

there are no “sides” here. Bullshit rhetoric

A nothing article on Maxwell. No comment on her business associates, no comment on her father or who he ran with, no comment on her real role with Epstein, just a summary of something written in a magazine

The All Blacks play rugby union, a game for soft private school types not hard enough to play rugby league

Because Gabbard, like Trump, works for the Russians.

She has as many PR people as she does marketing people, songwriters and producers.

You should read the soccer takes then. They hilariously wrong and clueless

hater and no idea

Heaven forbid you do what those of us in the real world do and work extra hours to get a job done. If you really cared you’d find a way