
Why would she write for Jezebel? She seems intelligent and on the road to success. And she’ll know about the Law School at the University of Alabama before ignorantly tweeting at it

FFS, for people who think they are smart you sure are idiots.

So the co-host of a show called Un-PC was removed because he was being Un-PC?

“it launched Olivia Colman’s career”

It’s as based on his peers experiences in Vietnam as much as War of the Roses

You couldn’t be more wrong

The cool kids - whinging for the sake of whinging, because thats what all the cool kids do.

Now playing

Do you even watch the show? 7 seasons of dialogue led us to this point

Do you clowns actually pay attention to what is happening. All this has been set up by the dialogue and plot for seasons. Fuck, even the final scene of the previous episode pointed to this.

Soccer got ruined by the Bosman ruling.

Because successful journalists love Springsteen, and the amateur bloggers jealousy here hate all that

No, it shows he is a businessman who is prepared to take risks, some you win and some you lose. And why give the money to the IRS, they are thieves and unconstitutional.

Why not have people writing about sports who actually know the basics of the sport they are writing about?

That settles it then, some guy who spends his time playing video games and no real word experience has the answers

So like Beyonce, Talylor Swift used a machcing band.

because ones sexuality does not define you

Someone doesn’t understand that the show is first and foremost a political soap opera. It is not the books

The Left do something controversial/bad - condemn them all