
I think the guy needs stability around him. I don’t think he has had the same HC or OC for consecutive seasons since his freshman year at UCLA. This upcoming season is another change.

The Fauves, a name that brings me back to my youth. I still remember Coxy as a legend.

I have no idea if these allegations are true or not, I hope not. But Feldman is a known grifter who has been chasing money in order to release names for years. He has only ever named one name, a guy who was already a convicted pedophile

Bronn, Brann, same shit

I think his arc completes in the final episode. The King Slayer, the one who killed the mad King, will also be the Queen Slayer, the one who kills the increasingly mad Queen.

It’s a guy thing. We don’t look at a friends sister we’ve known since a kid, we don’t look at the girl who grew up next door.

Jill Stein had not effect on the outcome of the election. Hilary Clinton was just the worst possible candidate that the Dems could have run

40-45% actually. How many polls have him int he 30's?

This is the opposite of what this article is about, the author is using the content of the leaks to justify the motives and methods.

yeah, “girlfriend”

Fried egg on a hamburger is standard here in Australia

It looks like the blonde sheila finds it all amusing. Not sure if she is taking the piss or is just laughing at the stupidity 

So that’s why Speilberg has been bagging Netflix, he is on the Apple payroll

Why would they want to dirty the air today with this? The Trumpstes want clear air for as long as possible to scream “Exhonerated” and “No collusion”

It’s “look at me, I’m the cool kid” and the Washington media dweebs latch onto him, hoping for the first time ever to hang out with the “cool kid”

He is the only current Presidential candidate with a clear and coherent set of policies

Nothing to do with 5 eyes, but everything to do with the fact you cannot get a visa if you have been in jail for more then a year.

When the federal govt demonises asylum seekers in need of medical care its not surprising that the simpletons in the population do something as horrific as this. They blame every bad decision they have made and the consequences of those decisions on (non-white) immigrants.

It was just our next-door neighbours, but he was one of us. Shooter from Qld I think

The constant updates of the NY Mayor and NY governor are beyond boring. Do no other cities or states exist?