We call people like you a “mark.”
We call people like you a “mark.”
I’ll trade it for their not shooting any 12-year-olds with little warning and then lying to cover it up.
He’s a coma surviving, ambulance-ridin, doctors orders abidin’, nurse kissing, still-alive son-of-a-bitch!
—Everyone who ever loaned money to Ric Flair
Ah yes, Rick Flair. I remember his classic matches with Hank Hogan and Andrew the Really Tall Guy.
Is Joe Flacco Matt Stafford elite?
Defibrilator kits must be made mandatory for all professional, collegiate, and amateur sidelines. Period.
To be fair, it’s a Train, not an orgy. They each have a turn.
The guy from the pizza place was right!
I really hope this new film stays true to the book and features the child orgy this work of art requires.
I, unrepentantly, watched it on some bootleg French stream
Not entirely topical, but I will use any excuse to post the greatest Kinja comment I know of
☐ Mayweather
Seems rather aggressive...A*G*G*R*E*S*S*I*V*E!!!
We also needs to seriously give props to Scott Pioli. I don’t know much about him, but hearing this story, Ryan O’Callaghan’s story and him trying to talk down Jovan Belcher have me thinking he’s a pretty exceptional human being.
The only thing she’s ever blown is a 28-3 lead.
To keep you talking about it and eventually, you will hear something or see something that finally strikes a chord and changes how you personally approach these issues. It took the loss of Heather Heyer’s life to do it for her mother. It took listening to their teammates and trying to understand for these white…
i give it a day before trump has someone put a cnn logo on that guy’s shirt.