Israel: Mr President of US, we have top secret information about Middle East
Israel: Mr President of US, we have top secret information about Middle East
And once again, my father, who, as I have said before on other posts, predicted Trump’s nomination, win, and Russian connections (“there are too many Russians in this campaign”), was right - he also predicted that Trump would blab top secret information to either reporters or foreign countries. He’s been right about…
Gotta say, I’m surprised. That’s a pretty good view from the nosebleed section.
Dave Chappelle shouldn’t be embarrassed about saying we should give Trump a chance. I think you should always give people the opportunity to do their job and prove themselves. In this case, Trump has proved that he’s a wildly inconsistent, bizarre, childish man with impulse control issues.
PBS makes some good shit, watched a ton of their stuff on on Netflix. It would be a real shame if a bunch of immoral greedy fucks were to defund it.
From what I am hearing on CNN, the information which he divulged was information that was from another country who told the administration never to release that info to anyone or they would cut all information. It was considered significant enough that the information was given a code name which means, according to…
Shame the only requirements for being president are being at least 35 years of age, residing within US borders for the 14 years leading up to the run, and being a natural born citizen. No degress, experience, psychological or medical testing required.
I am just going to leave this here and let it marinate in the shittiness of the past few months:
I’m just surprised it is as high as 36%. The only people on the planet less informed about virtually everything in the world than Americans are the North Koreans. We all know their excuse is being systemically isolated by their Dear Leader and UN Sanctions for decades, what is ours? Is it we just like being stupid?
I disagree.
We are now at the point where I look at both of those guys and seriously think, “You know what? That doesn’t sound so bad!”
Well, of COURSE. No one thought the FBI would swoop in and save the day. Comey is no hero to anyone.
Let’s figure this out together.
Jared Kushner will be frustrated. He had “fixing the opioid epidemic” on his to-do list for Wednesday afternoon (between “defeat ISIS” at 11:30 AM and “renegotiate NAFTA” by 1:15 PM.) now he’ll have to find something else to do for that hour and a half.
If you haven’t gotten your fill of the moms