
You wrote this whole thing but didn’t write about her actual time on stage? What game did she play to win the car? Come on!

None of the top comments are about how bad Richard Cohen sucks ass and how we’ll all be richer when the world is rid of him. Get it together, Jezebel commenters.

I could tell from the trailer how bad this turd was, I am sorry you had to waste two hours watching the whole thing.

This is weird because it mentions the Rocky Horror remakes but recommends it. Gotta be a mistake.

My wife’s mom also escaped Iran, during the Iran-Iraq War. High five!

Jesus Christ man, don’t let bitterness destroy you.

No, he rhymed “hand” with “man,” it’s an internal rhyme.

You’ve never listened to rap music, have you?

There have been good video game movies? Not including The King of Kong, which is a phenomenal movie about video games.

The only live NBA game I’ve ever been to was in Portland when Aldridge was still there and I’m a Thunder fan watching him be the only real thing stopping them from winning their series against the Spurs so I will join you in saying fuck him. Plus they only scored 99 points at the game I saw, denying the entire crowd

I know it’s not his department but my suggestion is still that Riot needs to stop making bullshit new champs with abilities that take up half the fucking map.

My wife was stunned at the brutal knife violence of The Raid but enjoyed it enough to sit through the brutal knife violence of The Raid 2.

I especially hate finishing the mines with a pickaxe only to start in the jungle and be in a lights out level.

I dunno, the first time I beat it was when I started on the ice levels because you can zip through them. Eventually I was able to beat it from the beginning but I used them to my advantage in my early playing days.

I don’t like these recent attempts by Kotaku to rehabilitate the image of Max Landis, a total piece of shit.

It’s Starship Troopers: The Game and I love it!

Another movie, you mean.

This is entirely beside the point but Blue Jays are also birds.

I’ve also won people over to the greatness of Prince through viewings of Purple Rain. For at least the first half hour of the movie, everything minute of the movie is better than the one before it, it’s just incredible.

Only quote I remember is the worst one I’ve ever heard in a movie (other than “I SEE YOU”): YOU ARE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE. YOU ARE ON PANDORA.