Why would someone making $16/hour get a decrease in pay? Any employer who wants to keep an employee they currently value at twice minimum wage would be expected to increase that rate at least a little to compensate for the adjusted minimum.
Why would someone making $16/hour get a decrease in pay? Any employer who wants to keep an employee they currently value at twice minimum wage would be expected to increase that rate at least a little to compensate for the adjusted minimum.
Considering that $16 billion is almost entirely going to be coming out of the pockets of millionaires and billionaires, who generally hoard wealth, effectively removing it from the economy anyway, it means the $8 billion gained is going to be a lot more productive than the money lost.
I really don’t see how it leaves people out, unless you mean people who don’t go to college, which seems like a weird group to focus on for a bill about student debt.
I used to use garlic powder, but we’ve learned in our apartment that if you have an allisin intolerance you really need to cook fresh garlic/onion/etc thoroughly if you want those flavors. The powders are too concentrated, I guess.
Taxi companies were involved, to be sure, but the city of Austin had a lot of problems with Uber and Lyft from the start. They refused to perform even state-level background checks on drivers, created awful congestion where there was already problematic traffic, the drivers blocked bus lanes and pullovers so often it…
Plants communicate perfectly well! Most generic plant advice is wishy-washy because different kinds of plants communicate differently. Though that said, you can’t tell much from brown leaves because once they’re totally brown they’re already dead. Pay attention to what they look like before they go completely brown.…
Yeah, it sounds like a lot of people here had just miserable stand-ins as their school’s guidance counselor, but the one I had in HS was incredible. We were a smaller school and had a separate admissions counselor to deal with all the college admissions nonsense, which probably helped, but our guidance counselor was…
Getting even a normal credit card through your bank isn’t a bad idea, either, since not all places will have ATMs or readers that can accept American-based debit cards, but most credit cards can convert currency (for a small markup).
I’ve played through Dragon’s Dogma like 4 times and I did not know you could wakestone normal NPCs. That’s awesome.
I’m not saying this isn’t a cruel and inhumane thing to do, both to anyone dumped unceremoniously into an unfamiliar place or to anyone they come in contact with. It’s definitely those things. I’m just saying it isn’t really anything else other than that. Whatever city they get dumped in—and the vast majority of the…
Most of them probably wouldn’t end up in the San Francisco city center. I know about SF’s homelessness problem—it’s not an issue of city resources. It’s also a non issue if we’re talking about just about any other major city. All of them have homelessness, yet somehow most people who end up in them aren’t homeless,…
You say that, but I can’t think of any reason an even passably organized big city wouldn’t be able to handle an influx of 5000 new people. Sure, some shelters and hotels would be filled for a couple weeks while they figure out how to process all these people, but it’s a huge urban center. Jobs are plentiful. Food is…
Humanitarian issues aside, this would be the least effective way to stretch a city’s resources imaginable. The number of people who move in and out of a city like San Francisco on an annual basis is already high enough that unless every single person who entered the country over the course of a year was sent to the…
Neither of those phrases mean anything specific in court on their own. “Any other factor” had been specifically defined in the bill, while the changes traded out the wording and neglected to define it. Anything can be a “bona-fide business reason” if there’s no definition in the text and you’re a good enough lawyer.
We decided forcing people to pay any amount of money to vote was unconstitutional when poll taxes got abolished. Forcing people to pay for an ID to vote is bad because it’s effectively a poll tax.
That is definitely not the definition of asylum, considering a person can traditionally get it granted if they personally are in danger and the local government can’t or won’t do something about it. Asylum claims are incredibly individual and nuanced, and they’re likely only going to become more so going forward.
Having lived in a few different states and one other country, I’ve never been able to recycle soft plastics. Hell, in my current apartment, they don’t even sort the trash—it just all ends up in a landfill. My office can handle PET, glass, and aluminum, but no soft plastics. In Japan you could sort soft plastics into…
It seems like the problem is less that contraction of the metal causes the trains themselves to disengage, but that it pulls on the bolts in the track itself and causes cracking or breaking of some of the track structure. Aside from the junctions, this looks more like something they do to perform repairs properly…
“Millionaire” means someone who has more than a million dollars, not someone who makes more than that in a year. Suffice to say even 99% of millionaires probably won’t qualify for the marginal rate. And remember, income tax doesn’t include assets you already have, only money you make. Earning your 10,000,001 dollar on…
Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I’ve seen figures as high as 80% of American workers. Not being able to cover rent after missing a paycheck or two is the norm.