I disagree. As children we’re all taught there are consequences for our behavior, but the richer you get, the less that is the case. You can act however you want and face almost no consequences.
I disagree. As children we’re all taught there are consequences for our behavior, but the richer you get, the less that is the case. You can act however you want and face almost no consequences.
I work in data science for a health insurance provider. All of the above is seconded. This is horrifying, on multiple levels, and horrifyingly illegal.
People back then had unions, pensions, and money. A single breadwinner could support a family of four, including a mortgage, two car payments, and savings. The young could and did mobilize because they didn’t have to work sixty hours a week schlepping packages for Amazon or being an unlicensed taxi for strangers or…
Addendum: the pile of Uncle Ben rice had me ROLLING
Games I was excited about in my early 20's:
He made more than I do in...
I never saw it coming
Also, tanned redhead version > blonde. Fite me.
That also sounds like something out of Dark Souls, so I’m on board.
I prefer the interpretation of “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”, which means “Your family can be a bunch of dicks and sometimes they need to be tossed out”
We need to understand that the Bill of Rights isn’t some steadfast monolith which dispenses freedom to all around, it is an intruder alarm to guard freedom— a string of cans lain at the perimeter meant to clang and rattle and make the people aware when someone attempts to incur tyranny against liberty.
Unionization is a right, not a privilege.
Well, a lot of people are doing that work. But obviously in real life it’s more complicated than that. Most Americans live relatively hand-to-mouth. They don’t have job security and they just literally don’t have time to follow the news and demonstrate while also managing to keep up on all the bills and make sure the…
Some Manhattan Attorney is screaming at the top of their lungs” Career Fucking Case”right now and I’m loving it.
Well explained.
Vein maybe, but definitely not shellfish.
How did they know the bugs weren’t washing their hands?
Government student loans will usually allow you to stop making payments and go into forbearance when you have financial hardship. You will continue to accrue interest, but that's not the worst thing when things are really tough. Just make sure you do the paperwork carefully and accurately and get permission to stop…