An Awful Shade of Puce

My family has always done roasts for the winter holidays. It’s definitely a thing

Instead of trying to relax your eyes, try squinting. The upper-left part of the screen doesn’t get covered and turns into a nice horizontal rectangle when the popups appear, which worked fine for me.

A lot of folks are pointing to the difference in promised jobs, but it’s important to remember that the 25k figure wasn’t really backed by anything other than Amazon’s word and was over an arbitrary period of time—it did not mean 25k jobs immediately on completion. The natural growth of an outfit like Amazon will mean

You’re supposed to pick up on the fact that she is, above all else, a contrarian, and likes to throw curveballs. Opal embraces the fey trickster aspect of fairy types more than anything else. She also seems to use “pink” as a metaphor for something more abstract.

Arguably, they could be really good anglers, but they only keep the magikarp because everything else gets sent to market.

Gamefreak doesn’t likely get the ultimate say in the release schedule, frankly. Pokemon as a franchise is much, much larger than the games at this point—it’s got comics and movies and the anime and the card games and spin-offs and merch and all sorts of other moving parts that The Pokemon Company has to synchronize,

Just based off this article, it looks like she’s already found manufacturers, so while the turnaround might be a little slow, it isn’t like she’s going to be making 20,000 sets on her own by hand. This seems less to be a one-time kickstarter push for pre-orders as much as an actual attempt at crowdfunding a proper

I’m not legal, but information systems for a clinic, and pretty much every step of this looks like a violation. Even if you have a legitimate professional reason to see, say aggregated data on menstrual cycles, that data should be entirely de-identified and obfuscated, which this does not sound like. Even if it was

As someone who works with and supports accessible technology, I can say with some confidence that modern screen readers and visual accessibility software handles OS interface just fine. Just like any piece of software, it relies on the individual software/web developers to ensure things like text and images are

There’s also another hint system built in: You often find a person’s lost items where they were standing in the previous month cycle. My fiance and I are playing through together and have never had much trouble. There’s usually only 3-4 we have to brute force a little bit. Where you find stuff is as important as what

This isn’t saying that sexual orientation isn’t genetic, it’s saying there’s no single gene or gene pathway that determines it. It does pretty explicitly state that there are observable genetic markers scattered throughout the genome, and that further study would likely reveal more.

Well it’s sure convenient that people living in America pay taxes and start businesses of their own, then. It’s almost as if we have some sort of public system for this.

Retail exclusivity exists in most major industries, though, and whether you like the concept or not, it isn’t about to go away. I’m also not confident Valve wouldn’t love some store exclusivity for third party developers, but as far as I can tell Valve doesn’t really offer developers anything but a shelf to put their

I can’t speak for everyone, but I sure as hell cared about shit at age 10. I got so into local nature conservation I joined an international conservation group and built bat houses to hang around the neighborhood (with permission, of course). These days I mostly just donate to groups like NDRC once a year or so, but I

I once had a professor who brought a little clear squirt gun to movie theaters to spray people who talk loudly or used their phones around him. No one ever called him out on it, because no one suspected the tiny, frail old man of spraying water on people.

Yeah, this is definitely a big part of it—if not the main reason. Even with a decent enough job and insurance and some savings, it still only takes one bad day to lose everything. Years of careful saving and planning and work just for an adequate existence can be wiped away in an instant from something as minor as a

He may not have forced people to buy goods at gunpoint, but he’s a not-insignificant reason San Francisco has a housing problem, his business are notorious for underpaying and overworking their workforce, Amazon’s business practices in general are often questionable, he and his businesses don’t pay nearly enough in

The doctors who will oppose single-payer already do, but anecdotally as someone working in a medical support field, I don’t know a single provider of any level that’s attached to the private insurance system. To them, it’s just something standing in the way of practicing medicine.

As a kyuudo practitioner, I’ll add that Hanzo struggling to hold his bow a full bend is actually also pretty common practice in kyuudo. Practically speaking, of course, you’d probably use a weaker bow in combat, but when practicing or for events/tournaments/rituals/etc (and, therefore, when the devs may or may not

I was going to say this, too! If you’re in a pinch and have a government student loan, definitely call you lender up and see what they can do for you. They can put it into forbearance or change your payment plan to something more doable. Most are pretty reluctant to let you switch to a slower repayment, but it doesn’t