An Awful Shade of Puce

As a university employee myself, I can say with confidence that universities do that.

It’s probably relevant that Germany has made a concerted effort to right the wrongs of the Nazis, while Japan has pretty much never made a good-faith effort to even begin to make amends. If anything, the current Japanese government has only doubled down on refusing to make amends. Japan and Korea’s history of animus

I’ve lived in multiple states that take student IDs, including the one I currently live in. Where student IDs are taken at polls, so long as the student receives their mail on campus, they can vote there using their university ID. I’m not even sure what you’re saying “nope” to, since your school’s ID policy doesn’t

States that allow student IDs expect students to vote in their school’s election district—their address is the college or university’s mail room, which, nine times out of ten, is an actual federally-recognized post office. Since voting is handled by the state, most state IDs don’t indicate nationality, either, so I’m

I would add, though, that tying core logic systems to the rendering frames has gone against best practice for a long time, now. Better to run two main loops that should operate independently—one to control all the in-world calculations at a locked, constant speed, and one to draw stuff to the screen, preferably at a

That’s kind of you, thanks!

The human genome project mapped the order of proteins that make up the human genome, but we don’t actually know what all those genes do or even where some end and others begin. It’s going to take decades, at best, to get a more complete grasp on how those different parts of our DNA actually affect us.

The idea behind more housing lowering costs is pretty much just basic supply/demand stuff. Sooner or later, if you build enough housing, the best way to fill apartments is to lower prices since there would theoretically be more apartments than people looking to fill them at a given moment. As must as supply/demand

Suburbs are also super expensive to live in, that’s kind of half the problem. People chose to rent because owning a house in the ‘burbs is cost-prohibitive for anyone whose job doesn’t pay excessively well and/or doesn’t have at least a generation of savings backing them up, which is like 80% of Americans right now.

Unfortunately for these companies, most of the things net neutrality protects against are either entirely (company) policy or software-related. Physical network infrastructure doesn’t discriminate unless it’s explicitly told to. If an ISP can throttle up or down a signal on a user-by-user basis from a datacenter, then

The standard flu shot is almost never a single strain—it’s usually the two or three that are expected to be the most active—and the four is just always the four expected to be active. If you work in medicine, you’re probably required to get a four-strain.

That kind of bureaucracy exists outside of unions, too, so that’s definitely less the fault of unions in general and more the fault of whoever decided those were terms for the contract. A medical center I work closely with has similar bureaucratic nonsense, but none of their techs are unionized. Their various service

Amazon would be just fine with unionized employees. The cost of their goods might go up a little and Prime would become more expensive, but most of Amazon’s money comes from AWS, not the marketplace. It takes a very long time for a popular, entrenched retailer to go down even if a cheaper competitor springs up or

Yeah, I get the feeling that’s pretty common for migraines in general. If I’m out of any proper medication, I’ll take a bunch of ibuprofen, but it’s mostly ineffective. Whatever they are, migraines aren’t normal pain that can be dulled with normal painkillers, that’s for sure.

The popular vote might not actually decide who wins an election, but it’s still a useful gauge for the overall feelings of American voters as a whole, both in who wins and in overall voter turnout. Rules of the game aside, that there was such a large disconnect between the national popular vote and electoral college

Yeah, even if you only put 2 people on it, it’s already less than $20/person/year. I’m getting a family plan and sharing it with my fiancee and brother and maybe a couple friends if they’re interested.

Rosewill makes good PSUs, too. I usually recommend them, EVGA, or Seasonic myself.

The bill would only trigger a tax increase if the company’s workers are eligible for certain kinds of federal assistance, so it probably wouldn’t make much of a dent in businesses with even fewer than 500 employees. Smaller operations can’t usually afford to pay super well, sure, but they also aren’t usually the ones

We don’t really have capital-C Centrists in the way that, say, Europe does. The US political machine has been pulled pretty far right over the last few decades, so “centrists” are usually just folks who are ideologically conservative by most standards that justify their side’s bad behavior by saying the other side does

In science circles, when people refer to the “reproducibility problem,” they specifically mean that there are a lot of studies that get approval for publication in more public-facing journals without any reproduction efforts, and those studies can go for far too long before anyone bothers trying to confirm the