Hmm... nah.
Hmm... nah.
Nobody is killing anybody with automatic rifles in the US. Unless you’re counting cops and the military. The astronomically tiny number of people in the US who actually own automatic weapons privately have to jump through so many hoops that they probably break the law less than almost any other group you can think of…
Some people just really like being told what to do. Makes it so their problems aren’t the result of any of their own actions.
They don’t, but that’s what they want. It has never been about background checks, or making people safer. It has always been about attempting to register firearms so they can be taken at some point in the future. Beto said the quiet part too loud in an attempt to stay relevant, and because we can’t get even one…
After these debates, I’d imagine there’s a lot of people really excited to keep whichever nutso the Democrats end up nominating out of the White House and hand Trump four more years on a silver platter. We’re gonna have 2016 all over again: People not on the left will take Trump seriously but not literally, and the…
I’m glad people like you aren’t actually in charge of anything. It would be frightening if someone with your mindset ever got any real modicum of power.
Oh cool, so you’d create the equivalent of a poll tax for owning guns. You might be shocked to learn this, but it’s unconstitutional to charge people for their ability to exercise their rights. Which is why poll taxes are no longer allowed.
Hell, the NRA is more grassroots than Everytown.
Nah. If listening to a bunch of out of touch millionaires and billionaires who can literally buy their way into or out of virtually anything is bad the rest of the time, it’s bad for this too. Gun control is as much security theater as taking off your shoes and belt at the airport is.
So far everyone’s missed the most obvious replacement: Steve King.
Well, the CDC would seem to disagree with you and the Gun Violence Archive:
It doesn’t make much sense to me why he’d want to call a snap election. I was under the impression that in the time since the first Brexit vote, it has lost popularity among the people, which is one of the reasons they’ve refused to hold a second referendum. Whether or not one thinks Brexit is the right thing for the…
There’s several hundred thousands of defensive gun uses every year that would disagree with you. The Framers also couldn’t imagine the internet, so therefore should the First Amendment not apply to anything but manually printed pamphlets and public speech? Should the Fourth Amendment not apply to being secure in your…
I mean, there’s an argument that the NFA and the Hughes Amendment are unconstitutional as the prevent the citizenry from owning the same types of arms in common use by the military, but pretty much everyone has given up dying on that hill.
You might want to Google the Puckle gun. Repeating arms are older than you think.
This argument falls apart the moment you read any of the writings of the people actually involved in drafting the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment in particular. The militia is made of the common people, thus the common people needed arms in good working order (this is the well regulated part people so often cite,…
Actually, they remember that part very well, because well regulated in that context means properly equipped, not government controlled. But, let’s test my hypothesis.
Rahm Emanuel is right wing now? And people say conservatives are trying to drag the Overton window way out of whack. How long before the “Obama is actually conservative and bad” thinkpiece comes out?
Well... not again, anyway.
Most schools don’t have armed police. Most malls don’t have armed security. Nor do most movie theaters. Why, it’s almost as if none of these places wants to take responsibility for your safety!