Publius in Extremis

The one thing that has made the game more enjoyable for me is being able to speed up the game by 3x. It makes traveling in the world map and grinding enemy encounters actually tolerable.

It’s why I utterly detest our two party, first past the post system. It makes actually voting your conscience a choice between moral and intellectual integrity and possibly handing an election to someone with which you are in even greater opposition. The single greatest electoral reform we could enact would be ranked

It doesn’t work the same way with Republicans vs Democrats though. Republicans will hold their nose and vote for their guy, because at the end of the day someone further to the right of them isn’t as bad to them as someone further to the left. Never mind that the reasons people didn’t vote for Clinton in 2016 stem as

My guy, trying to be the “reasonable” gun owner with these folks is a fool’s errand. You’ll gladly let them restrict things more and more and by the time you realize that they don’t give a damn about making anyone safer and are only interested in disarmament and control. They see all gun owners as the enemy, and you

Nah, I’d rather a slow march away from know-nothings like you pissing yourself over guns and have widespread education and responsible ownership.

I’m so glad all these retailers have found a way to keep criminals from bringing their guns in and shooting up the place. Oh... wait, what’s that? I’m being told that the only people who will abide by their wishes are people they didn’t need to worry about in the first place, and those intent on spreading terror and

Everything in that anecdote just screamed poor life choices. It read like someone pouring their life savings into buying lotto tickets.

Like most other minimum wage schemes, a small number of people will benefit from an increase in wages/benefits, while the majority will suffer. You really think Uber and Lyft are going to keep everyone on that’s currently “working” for them if they have to classify them as actual employees rather than contractors? How

Cutting off your nose to spite your face: Fresh from the finest* socialist minds around!

Because then it wouldn’t be loaning them the gun. You’d have to transfer ownership. It would be like if your friend wanted to borrow your car but first you had to sign the title over to them.

A friend of mine was concerned about someone prowling her neighborhood who had tried to get into the house where her and her boyfriend live. They could both pass a background check no problem but don’t have the money to buy a gun without it being a major unplanned expense. I considered loaning them a handgun until I

You’re forgetting the part where you punish gun owners somewhere in there. Without that, such obvious improvements to our gun laws will never happen.

That you think personal freedom and small government are somehow “conservative” issues is amazing. It’s the whole reason we have to call that kind of ideology classical liberalism. Because today’s liberalism is clearly all about big government and centralized control.

Seeing as how it has happened, I wouldn’t be all that surprised.

I mean, not having ever actually bought a gun at Walmart, I can’t even conclusively say if that’s their practice across the whole chain. Based on the article it does sound like Walmart has probably tightened up their policies over the years to go above and beyond what’s required by law.

Tax breaks that cover 100% of the cost of purchasing a gun safe, with proof of purchase. Doesn’t punish anyone and rather actively encourages people to go out and buy them. Leftists will never go for it though because it doesn’t discourage gun ownership or “hurt the right people”.

But, obviously, as a weak and dumb woman, you aren’t expected to know how to use a gun or prevent yourself from having it taken away from you since men have bulletproof fists with which to pummel you. Obviously I’m being sarcastic, but that’s essentially the argument the gun control crowd makes whenever someone

I mean, I’m also pro-choice and pro decriminalization of most drugs and an atheist, so how “conservative” am I really?

60+ years ago, you could literally buy guns from a magazine and have them mailed to your house at the same time everyone was drinking leaded water, breathing air polluted by leaded gasoline, and painting their houses with leaded paint. The fact that we weren’t killing each other Purge-style back then is nothing short