Publius in Extremis

Jesus... you do realize that most of these people are taking the piss right? The “boogaloo” is an inside joke among most of the gun channels on YouTube. And for fuck’s sake, “automatic assault rifle” is redundant and stupid, and it also isn’t something Joe Schmo can get. But you write for a GMG site I wouldn’t

It’s equally as nothing as them saying “there’s no evidence of person to person transmission”. Which they did say early on. Basically until it’s proven they aren’t taking talking points from China still, probably best to take anything the WHO says with a grain of salt.

Nah, unless they’re incredibly stupid they’re leasing hardware from IBM and it’s getting refreshed every 3-5 years. Or at the very least purchasing new equipment every few years. Even the VSE mainframes at my previous employer were running on modern mainframe hardware, and that’s an older architecture than MVS, which

A lot of these mainframes probably aren’t in the cloud and/or aren’t capable of of interfacing with additional LPARs that aren’t on the same local footprint. For example, my last employer that had mainframes had 3: An MVS system with one production LPAR, a VSE system with like, 7 production LPARS, and an ancient

Right? If they were well and truly necessary, wouldn’t they be lowering the data caps right now to encourage people who don’t need it to use less? Data caps have always been bullshit.

I just recently started working for a smaller company and we all discussed and decided that we all 100% have the option to work from home if we choose, that for our team morale we’d rather come into work as long as we can. Given that pretty much everything else is closed, our chances for coming into contact with

As someone who has dealt with Frontier as a business class customer, I would recommend dial-up before having to deal with Frontier. They absolutely do not give a shit about fixing problems correctly the first time, the fifth time, or even the 37th time you call to report a problem. They purposely exist where there are

There’s still a lot of people that also have the mentality that if you can do your job remotely, then someone else can do it remotely for much less, i.e.- India, or in ATT’s case, the Philippines. Now, those of us that work in IT know that’s bullshit, because cheaper isn’t always better.

David, you have a problem. As such, I’ll give you $501 for this Comanche.

Hmm... Maybe a brand name that rhymes with cool, or gruel would work, but only an idiot would’ve bought a sport bike brand to offset their road cruisers and then driven it completely into the ground.

Fun fact, they retained the evolution method in Pokemon Sword and Shield. You have to turn your Nintendo Switch upside down to evolve Inkay into Malamar.

Does it include the parts where people who don’t agree with the socialist utopia are thrown into gulags to be worked to death, millions starve, and the centrally planned economy implodes on itself?

Fallon Fox literally shattered a woman’s skull and isn’t even that good of a fighter, so maybe Rhonda had a point about people who used to be men not fighting in combat sports set up specifically for people who were born women. Combat sports are dangerous enough as it is, women don’t need to die on the alter of

An easy and popular solution would be to allow entities like schools to purchase a perpetual limited license for some absurdly low amount (like 20 bucks) that basically lets them do events like this for the benefit of the community. That way, everyone wins.

Gee, almost as if payment processors shouldn’t be used as arbiters of morality/legality/ethics and should just do business with anyone following the law. Ostensibly non-political entities shouldn’t be weaponized for political ends.

We have enough problems with voting machines that should never be connected to the internet routinely connected to the internet because people are lazy or stupid. I’m all for making it easier for registered voters to vote, but when the people in charge can’t even guarantee that in-person voting can’t be affected by

Man, if only Harley had a hip young sport bike brand they totally didn’t drive into the ground because they don’t understand anything other than old fat guys on loud bikes that they could use to push electric motorcycle sales while they retool their main brand into something that will survive the baby boomers dying

The biggest problem with all these big tech companies is (at least from this perspective), there’s almost no way to get ahold of an actual human if you’re a nobody. Facebook, YouTube, etc. If you’re not important enough to have some sort of liason person, good luck.

Shh, that would let the air out of their righteous indignance and create the possibility that not everything that happens under Trump is literally the worst. It’s literally a bunch of Air Force guys sitting in an office somewhere monitoring sattelites and spying on people with those same sattelites. It’s not like they

Not all of us have a choice. My company is still using an incedent management product that relies on Microsoft Silverlight to run, so I don’t have a choice but to run it in IE. Thankfully we’re supposed to finally upgrade within the next two months.