Publius in Extremis

It’s based on the previous USAF Space Command logo, not the Starfleet logo.

Guns are too easy to get.

I did report him BTW. Both to the state cops at the show entrance and then again via where I was working at the time. 

I know it doesnt change the central point of the article- that the investigation into the Ferguson PD showed blatant corruption and that the town was using law enforcement as a revenue generator, mostly on the backs of poor blacks- but I still think it should be noted: the entire “hands up,. dont shoot”narrative that

Racism is simply cowardice.

That is ABSOLUTELY not true. The problem is that both sides of the conversation/argument are hyperbolic and extreme seeking which in turn means that nothing gets done and creates a stale mate. Neither side wants to give an inch for fear that they will take a mile.

The basically bought that as a vacant lot that had all of the utilities hooked up for the house. I wonder how soon an ugly modern fish bowl mcmansion will be built.

Fascists are taking over!

This is one of the things that perplexes me about the left today. We’ve got this government who is spying on us at unprecedented levels, classifying information at unprecedented levels, murdering civilians in other countries we haven’t declared war with using drones, starting wars for the most dubious reasons

Thank you. I’m so tired of this “gun owner = wants to see children shot” bullshit.

I know lots of people that collect guns because they think they’re cool and fun to shoot at the range. None of them think they’ll ever use them to protect anyone or that there are a bunch of people out to get them. This is a gross over generalization. I’ll probably never own a gun because they’re not my thing but many

Living in a third world country like Nicaragua you’re faced with a masked man around a corner looking to take your shit. So to live in a country where that is possible to prevent that, I will. Before people blast me (no pun) I support extensive background checks and other gun control measures. Just not measures to

For a socialist revolutionary who ends every other piece with a threat of overthrowing the rich, one would think you would like guns more.

Unions do a great job of protecting their members, but the real problem is that all workers deserve the protections that union members receive. Like fair compensation, decent benefits, and job security. Think about how exclusive some unions are, like the longshoreman’s union. Super hard to get in, but if you do get

Do I still need to steal/ buy with cash a burner for my “other job”.

This is why durable policy is built on treaties and legislation, not executive order (or agreement in this case).

It was unlikely the Iran deal would have received majority support in the Senate, much less the 2/3 required for treaties, in 2015. However, the flip side of going down the road of executive agreement

I have a wild idea.