Publius in Extremis

I was speaking more to impeaching him solely on the basis of him being racist. Which, while reprehensible, isn’t a crime and it isn’t immediately clear to me that you’d get enough people to agree that him being racist qualifies as a “high crime or misdemeanor”, especially given the makeup of the House and Senate today.

These are the same people that don’t have a problem with milkshaking because “It’s just a milkshake bro!” even when it escalates into people being beaten. Getting them to apply any sort of consistency to political violence being bad is a fool’s errand.

Well, we can always hope that he rage strokes first. Though that does still leave us with the issue of what to do about Pence, who is a religious nutjob and knows better than to say the quiet parts loud.

The guy’s only schtick is being an uncreative troll, who, apparently thinks that voting to not vote on impeachment = wanting to impeach. Truly, the mind boggles at such massive intellect.

Yeah, I mean like I said I don’t want to knock Green for trying to do the right thing, but doing the right thing at the wrong time can make things worse. By forcing the issue now I don’t think he’s done Pelosi or anyone else who wants to see Trump gone any favors.

Fair. I just don’t see anything currently being proposed as touching Trump. I’d much rather wait and see how this Epstein thing plays out, presuming he doesn’t get suicided in jail.

While I’d like to believe that if a sitting president committed murder that he’d be impeached and then immediately tried in a criminal court, no matter which party was in control of the Senate, the pragmatic part of me says that you’re probably not wrong, unfortunately.

Actually, she’s correct. Y is substituted for the Old/Middle English character thorne, which is pronounced with a “th” sound. Nobody would have ever said “ye”.

Green may be following his conscience, and I can’t really fault him for doing so, but trying to impeach Trump ‘because racism’ was not going to go the way he thought it would. The end result would likely be an acquittal in the Senate (of what crime, exactly, btw?), if it even got that far, which then Trump would

Biji likes to paint me as a racist troll by misrepresenting the act of starring a comment as tacitly endorsing anything anyone has ever said, ever, whether I’ve seen any of their other comments or not. The fact is, I’ve never said anything remotely racist, when I see racists in my comments I condemn and dismiss them,

Buddy, if the worst thing you can say about it is that I skipped some steps for the sake of the joke, I think I’ll sleep ok.

It’s more like, how many anonymous sources has the AP or other news outlets relied on, that then Splinter has relied on for the most part, but yes. Sketchy anonymous sources are fine when it suits their needs, but when it exposes things they don’t like, better start naming names.

I don’t think it’s really necessary to lay out all the steps of neutron star formation for the point to be made. Or should I also talk about how the red supergiant of irony first has to start forming iron (heh, iron/irony) in its core before it can explode in a supernova of irony and leave behind a tiny barely

True, but it didn’t start out incredibly small. At one point that mass occupied a much larger space. So that is to say, if the irony had mass, it would be so massive that it would collapse in on itself and form this ultra-dense body of concentrated irony. So dense that the little irony atoms can barely move around one

I think that original burn will still go down as one of the best I have ever seen. It was worth the fallout.

Right? Like, you would hope if there was a shred of self-awareness left in her, that she let out an audible groan at getting this article assignment. I mean, I’m hoping she was told to write this article and isn’t so incredibly tone deaf that she actually came up with the idea on her own.

The irony of anyone on Splinter giving a crap about journalism is so immense that if it had physical manifestation, it would form a neutron star.

Calling out the left =/= supporting the right wing. No one’s ever supposed to criticize the side they identify with? That’s literally how we’ve ended up with the entire Republican party lock-step behind Trump. So I guess be careful what you wish for.

Yeah, I mean Gorka’s an idiot charlatan that can get fucked, but I highly doubt most of the stable geniuses around here would react any differently to getting egged on like that, no matter where they were.

Tim’s also for universal healthcare and a whole slew of other traditionally left-wing things, but because he doesn’t play the identity politics game, he’s clearly a half-Asian Nazi.