Publius in Extremis

Now you stop that. Anything short of spitting in Trump’s face and calling him Hitler is no good, even if it manages to move the needle even the slightest bit toward a better outcome.

If you were talking about Republicans, that would likely be the result. Democrats are inherently incapable of not eating their own at the most pivotal moments.

The problem with identity politics, more importantly group intersectionality, is that it is in and of itself racist, sexist, whatever other kind of -ist you want. It HAS to be by definition. When you’re telling someone that their group identity or the intersection of the groups they belong to defines who they are and

Why, it’s almost as if the issue is more complicated than just “pay the women’s team more”.

Maybe because Noam Chomsky isn’t constantly shouting loudly about insane stuff, and nobody on the left takes any amount of time to say that these crazy progressive identitarians don’t represent them. You know, kind of how like the right is supposed to repudiate the alt-right at all times. But the crazy white

Maybe it’s the fact that all these people he’s reporting on are fucking nuts and strain credulity for those of us who aren’t “woke”.

You mean Tim Pool worked at Fusion back when it was trying to be an actual journalistic outlet and not just a mouthpiece for progressive ideology?

The irony of all this is, of course, that if you’re really invested in seeing any sort of single payer/government run healthcare system any time soon, it behooves you to have them strike down the ACA now. Unfortunately that will mean some number of people will undoubtedly suffer and even die. So the question you have

Agreed. Now, if they wanted to make a game where you start out in a new region and then march like General Sherman through the gyms of all the prior regions on your way to becoming the ultimate Pokemon trainer... well, I’d definitely buy that game.

As a 33 year old man who crashed out of playing Pokemon after Gen 2 and didn’t really get back into it until PoGo and Pokemon Let’s Go! came around, it’s fair to say that there’s far more Pokemon that I am unfamiliar with than not. As such, I’m actually not really bothered by anything in Sword and Shield because I’m

Those on the progressive far left don’t care whether what they want is either legal, practical, or possible. That they want it is enough that it should just be willed into happening.

Lol, Trump’s numbers aren’t getting better because all of a sudden people like what he’s doing. They’re getting better because you have a bunch of loony whackadoodles running against him on the promise of free stuff and Orange Man Bad. That’s... not going to win.

I’ve always found such claims dubious at best. It also ignores that there’s a percentage of third party voters that if their only options were to vote for Republicans or Democrats, they would just stay home. Aside from a few protest voters, these people were likely never going to toss their lot in with either major

There is still a civil contempt case against Eric Holder from Operation Fast and Furious that hasn’t been settled yet. From 6 years ago. I doubt that’s exactly raising concerns at this point.

The problem is, the morally right thing to do is not always the legal thing to do. I think we can all agree it would be morally right to storm the White House and drag Trump out by his ear. But it doesn’t work like that unless we decide that we’re just going to upend society. That the constitutionality of the ACA

Yes, because nowhere in the constitution does the Federal government have the ability to force you to purchase any good or service. Without a “tax” to go along with it, Congress has no authority to mandate it. For instance, name another good or service that Congress forces you to buy under penalty of law if you do not.

This is what they wanted with a line item veto in the US Congress, however it was ruled unconstitutional. Turns out most states do have a line item veto for the governor, so either the governor also did not read the bill before signing it, or they were fine with it.

Exactly. And it’s no coincidence either that the bull was a representation of El in the Canaanite religion either.  

Essentially the only thing the House could do that would have any immediate effect would be to charge Barr with inherent contempt and have the sergeant-at-arms arrest him to bring him before the House to testify. Criminal contempt will go nowhere because as you said the Justice dept is not likely to indict itself, and

Once again, the lede is buried: People voting on legislation they haven’t fucking read. That’s far worse than whatever shenanigans they’re trying to pull with this DA. I don’t think you’ll get much legitimate argument though that if there are gun crimes happening that should be prosecuted and aren’t, that’s a bad