Publius in Extremis

I truly fear that once the last of the people who actually lived through it have passed, it won’t be long after that there will be an even bigger uptick in people trying to revise and erase history to make it seem as though the Holocaust either didn’t really happen or wasn’t as bad as people say it was. Things like

Jesus. And of course this is in Florida of all places.

A normal person would also never expect that every time they step out into public that any time they are on a camera police have access to that they are also being cross-referenced with the DMV database irrespective of whether they may have committed any crime. That’s some Big Brother surveillance state shit.

It’s not unlike the schools that were reluctant to push back against anti-vax parents and their ignorance. They hoped that it would just be a small minority and wouldn’t cause trouble, but holy shit now all the kids have measles.

Years ago I took a class on Ancient Israel in college, and it’s clear that the Judaism evolved from pre-Cannanite tribes that were polytheistic. One of the words used for God, Elohim, is literally plural of El, one of the pantheon of Cannanite gods. There’s other clues too, the dual creation myth stories at the

Anyone who would even suggest that Holocaust denial is a valid intellectual position to take has no business being involved in educating anyone. I’ve been to Dachau. I’ve seen all I need to of the Nazis and their evil. Anyone who has the “opinion” that the Holocaust didn’t happen is either intellectually deficient or

Be an actual contributing part of society rather than part of a zombified bureaucratic mechanism used to control the citizenry?

Well if the phrase “unreasonable search and seizure” meant anything in today’s world, one could argue that it’s unreasonable that the government can use such information at will to identify anyone it catches on camera, without suspicion of a crime or a warrant to even get said information. It rather undercuts the

Real fiscal conservatives are up in arms over lots of government spending. It’s just that nobody actually gives a shit about even pretending to be fiscally conservative in government anymore aside from “I don’t want to pay for things the other side likes”.

I mean... as someone who wants to be able to own suppressors and other cool stuff without a bunch of bullshit paperwork, I wouldn’t be too mad if the BATFE went away tomorrow.

This is a feature and not a bug in a post-9/11, Patriot Act country. People decried how law enforcement agencies couldn’t easily share information in order to stop terrorism, and it was decided that for the collective good the 4th Amendment was a suggestion and not a hard and fast rule.

Fair enough, I agree that any attempts to privatize the NHS, especially at this point in time, would probably be more about enriching certain actors than actually improving care. And from that perspective, regardless of my own opinions on socialized or single payer care, I certainly don’t see how it would be good for

I think it was more of the difference between “this is a thing that has to happen” and “this is a thing that certain parties on both sides want to happen”. Strictly speaking, it’s by no means a requirement of a no deal Brexit, but having to renegotiate everything from the ground up means there are parties interested

That doesn’t seem realistic to me though. Granted, very little of what comes out of Trump’s mouth is realistic, but I’m highly skeptical of such a crazy demand holding up getting actual trade deals negotiated if they crash out with no deal. 

I’m confused on that last bit, why would US insurance have to get involved with the NHS in any way if there’s a no-deal Brexit?

What fascinates me about this whole thing is that rather than encourage people to take back the use of the Betsy Ross flag from the scant few number of white supremacists that apparently use it, so scant in fact that until this whole controversy happened I had never heard such a preposterous thing, everyone involved

At least when a corporation does a bad job, they can fold and go out of business. That’s a direct result of not providing a good or service people want at a reasonable price. When’s the last time you saw a badly run government agency go belly up? I feel like you’re conflating the accountability people feel they have

You could just have toll roads everywhere. Would it be annoying? Sure it would, but it would work, and those that most use the roads and put the most wear and tear on them would spend the most on keeping them up. You could also argue that such a system in lieu of paying fuel taxes and the like would be much more up

It’s a simple yes or no question. Either yes, they did earn that wealth and as their son he’s entitled to share in some amount of it and benefit from their success, or no they didn’t earn it. The answer rather informs whether anything else you have to say has any merit.

Fucking Domino’s filled potholes as a publicity stunt, don’t tell me private enterprise couldn’t figure out a way to build roads. We can’t imagine a system other than letting government do it for us badly, because we’ve never tried anything else.