Publius in Extremis

People like you always amaze me. It’s like you’re completely incapable of considering just how dead your batshit crazy ideas will make you. Of course though, you will always be among those making the decisions in the new regime, and not having things decided for them, won’t you?

I’d argue that willfully violating a provision plainly written in the Constitution would qualify as “high crimes and misdemeanors”.

Nobody has ever said that you can’t override precedent, just that you need a compelling reason to do so. Plessy v. Ferguson was overridden because it was determined that even if separate facilities were in fact equal (they almost always weren’t) that the very act of separation itself was unequal. There’s a difference

Shout out for those old 54G routers though. Slow by today’s standards but when they were still relevant they worked like a champ.

I’m just guessing here, but I suspect you’re talking about intersex, formerly referred to as hermaphroditic, people, which are a real albeit incredibly rare thing, while the person you’re replying to is probably referring to so-called genderfluid people who identify as non-binary, which, in the nicest way possible,

Because for all its awfulness Twitter does one thing really well: Allows people to talk directly to a large number of people at an instant with virtually no filter. Seriously, not since Roosevelt’s fireside chats has a President been able to utilize a medium of communication so effectively.

Because we’ve allowed a system to coalesce where if you lean right you have to vote for the Republican for your vote to count, and if you lean left you have to vote for the Democrat, regardless of who that person is. Otherwise your options are to not participate at all or to vote for a third party candidate as either

Ironic that all the people that want to overthrow things also are scared of guns.

I mean, other than all the rulings where they upheld precedent, sure.

Ahh yes, another solution that Democrats will try and either have limited success with or fail entirely, whereupon Republicans will then employ the same strategy to much greater effect and fuck us all. See: Harry Reid changing voting rules in the Senate to his own benefit. How’d that pan out again?

Because... letting a conservative-led Supreme Court decide voting districts would have been better? Just because it’s not the answer you like doesn’t mean it’s not the factually correct answer. The issue of gerrymandering has to be solved by the people and the legislatures, primarily by voting in candidates that will

The irony is that just like all the alt-right protests, if anyone actually shows up, it will be far more people against than for. And if not for the hair pulling and teeth gnashing of too-online progressives, the vast majority would live out their lives not even aware that people dumb enough to think they need a

So get the Constitution amended then.

See my above reply, this whole “Hurr durr, well regulated means we can have all the gun control we want” argument is beyond stupid and low information. You might as well be on the same level as an anti-vaxxer for how little even the tiniest bit of historical research makes that whole argument sound incredibly stupid.

For the bajillionth time, well-regulated does not mean controlled. It never meant controlled when they wrote the 2nd Amendment. It means properly equipped and in proper working order, as in, a regulated clock. You wouldn’t say a properly timed grandfather clock is controlled, that doesn’t make any sense. So a

And see, this is why I didn’t give a fuck about your fake contriteness. You’re an asshole who doesn’t like being called out.

Oh, sorry dude. It’s just my opinion. Why are you getting so bent out of shape over an opinion? Why can’t people just think what they think?

Dude, he’s trying to play victim now that his shitty opinion got soundly shat upon. If people were soundly agreeing with him rather than telling him his opinion sucks, he’d be telling you to eat a bag of dicks.

Are you saying that children that can’t read yet aren’t fans of books? Just because they can’t perform the task of the medium itself doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it. Just admit you picked a dumb hill to die on, my dude.

It’s good because she’ll do things people want. Which people? What things? Who knows, but people! And things! At least until she does something someone doesn’t like and then it’s back to prosecutors are cops and cops are bad.